The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Most of my more recent "rescues" Let me know what you think
Crispin was found in a vase in walmart with another male (zane) they were tearing eachother to shreds. While he has quite a bit of noticeable fin damage, he seems to have more emotional damage, everything scares him, and if he so much as sees another male betta he starts shaking and hides in his little cave. He's getting better around me though, he'll actually come up and say hello, but if I move to fast or in a funny direction he shoots down into his cave and doesn't come out for hours. (Got him for free) *Please note hes no longer in the divided tank, I took him out immediatly once I saw how he reacted to other males. Now hes in a 1 gallon heated and lighted tank.
This is Zane (bad pic sorry) he was the other betta in the vase with crispin. Besides his tail damage hes healthy and active and is currently living with a friend of mine down the road (got him for free)
This is Splash, he was rescued from a cup so dirty that you couldn't even see him. He had ick which has since been treated and he has deformed pectorals so he swims kind of funny. (Paid in full but told the guy working that if I ever came in again and saw a betta in such condition I wouldn't be so willing to pay)
This is Auron, he had a nasty case of popeye when I got him, and that eye still kind of droops on a weird angle, he's also proven himself to be a severe fin biter, he was just starting to chew in this pics, now he has huge chunks missing in his tail, but i still haven't been able to figure out what triggers it (got him for free)
This is sage, he was rescued from a cup so filled with algae that you couldn't see him. I'm almost positive he has internal parasites. His dorsals a bit deformed and his lower back has an odd hunch to it. He also seems to have a bit of a swim bladder problem as he tends to swim a bit vertical all the time. (Paid half price for "damaged goods" )
This is Sultan (sully) he has an odd chunk of his body right behind his anal fin missing, looks like is might be body rot I'm not sure how much I can do for him, but he's active and happy so far, so we'll just have to see. (Paid full price)
This is Wilma. Wilma was given to me by a breeder who was planning on culling her because she lost an eye in an accident in her growout tank. So I took her in. (free)
And this is Mistletoe (missy) she was found in a cup shoved behind about 20-30 other betta cups at petsmart. She had patches of fungus on her head, and red streaking in her fins, which is an indication of septecemia. She was also rail thin.
Crispin was found in a vase in walmart with another male (zane) they were tearing eachother to shreds. While he has quite a bit of noticeable fin damage, he seems to have more emotional damage, everything scares him, and if he so much as sees another male betta he starts shaking and hides in his little cave. He's getting better around me though, he'll actually come up and say hello, but if I move to fast or in a funny direction he shoots down into his cave and doesn't come out for hours. (Got him for free) *Please note hes no longer in the divided tank, I took him out immediatly once I saw how he reacted to other males. Now hes in a 1 gallon heated and lighted tank.
This is Zane (bad pic sorry) he was the other betta in the vase with crispin. Besides his tail damage hes healthy and active and is currently living with a friend of mine down the road (got him for free)
This is Splash, he was rescued from a cup so dirty that you couldn't even see him. He had ick which has since been treated and he has deformed pectorals so he swims kind of funny. (Paid in full but told the guy working that if I ever came in again and saw a betta in such condition I wouldn't be so willing to pay)
This is Auron, he had a nasty case of popeye when I got him, and that eye still kind of droops on a weird angle, he's also proven himself to be a severe fin biter, he was just starting to chew in this pics, now he has huge chunks missing in his tail, but i still haven't been able to figure out what triggers it (got him for free)
This is sage, he was rescued from a cup so filled with algae that you couldn't see him. I'm almost positive he has internal parasites. His dorsals a bit deformed and his lower back has an odd hunch to it. He also seems to have a bit of a swim bladder problem as he tends to swim a bit vertical all the time. (Paid half price for "damaged goods" )
This is Sultan (sully) he has an odd chunk of his body right behind his anal fin missing, looks like is might be body rot I'm not sure how much I can do for him, but he's active and happy so far, so we'll just have to see. (Paid full price)
This is Wilma. Wilma was given to me by a breeder who was planning on culling her because she lost an eye in an accident in her growout tank. So I took her in. (free)
And this is Mistletoe (missy) she was found in a cup shoved behind about 20-30 other betta cups at petsmart. She had patches of fungus on her head, and red streaking in her fins, which is an indication of septecemia. She was also rail thin.