Hey guys! If you see my other posts, you will see I have some platy fry. They are almost a month old and were growing like crazy! All of a sudden, two of them started thinning out in the tail area and having trouble swimming and coming up to eat. Then they died the next day. It didn't happen again for awhile but then SEVERAL of them started having a thin tail and trouble swimming (they were also working hard to breathe). My nitrites have been a little high recently but have been going down (which is my thought for the heaving breathing) but the thinning out tail and fins and trouble swimming is puzzling me! I only have one more right now who has been bigger than the rest the whole time. He comes up and eats and swims around a lot except when the light is off, he lays down and I think sleeps lol. If you need, I can grab pictures of them but what I described is exaclty what has been happening. Does this happen a lot? Is it a genetics thing? Or is it my fault?
I feed them Hakari bloodworms!
I feed them Hakari bloodworms!