All My Oscars Dead!

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
Did sleep rather late this morning because it is my off Saturday & only went outside at about 09h30 to find my outside 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank shattered...... & needless to say, 4 x dried out Albino Oscars..... (all around 9 to 10").....

Stuff like this that makes me wonder why I'm still in the hobby..... just spontaneously busted.... and its been in that spot without event for more than a year....small pieces of Glass shattered all over the lawn??
Thats terrible Ludwig, sorry to hear that, poor Oscars, RIP guys :(
When tanks bust, they don't usually shatter all over the place( atleast from what i've seen). I hate to say it, but i think someone broke the tank.
When tanks bust, they don't usually shatter all over the place( atleast from what i've seen). I hate to say it, but i think someone broke the tank.

Some glass splinters found up to 7m away from the tank .... looks like it exploded??.... 1 Oscar body found about 10m from the tank.... Pleco survived... in remaining 0.5" water left in the tank??....
I would have put the oscars back in some water to see what would happen. My uncle had a oscar that jumped out as a baby, in the night, and he found it on the floor the next morning. He threw it back in the tank, because he was going to dispose of it later. When he came to take it out, the oscar was swimming, but not by much. As the weeks went by, he swam alot better, and his skin peeled off( the dry, dead skin) and new skin was there to replace it. The oscar lived a long time. I saw him before the tank heater broke and killed the fish, and he was 10 inches and you couldnt even tell he had ever jumped!
Some people have no respect, i agree sound like someone smashed it, can't see glass going so far otherwise.

Really Sorry for your loss.
I would have put the oscars back in some water to see what would happen.

Krib... I did in fact put them into one of my other tanks for about 3 hours (& even considered "mouth to mouth" at one stage).... but,... Yep!!.. they were dead.
Yeah. I went through something sort of similar (all of my fish dying) but it wasn't because someone broke my tank. I asked my mother to pick up dechlor for me at the store because I was doing a larger water change, probably about 50% or so. And she brought it back and I poured the said amount into the tank after re-filling it. Come to find out, it wasn't even dechlor. :crazy:

It was in the same shaped yellow bottle that I have been using for years, it just had a red dot on the label instead of a blue dot indicating it was a product to lower the nitrates in the water and doesn't act as dechlor at all!

I didn't notice that until almost all of my fish were dead. I went out for a few hours and came home to find every one of my fish lying on the bottom of my tank. My 10 inch plec jumped out and was laying on my pillow of my bed. He was dead too.

I scooped them out one by one and put them into a bucket of water and none of them were alive.

My oscar was laying on the sand with both eyes clouded all the way and he was not moving.

I buried all of the fish out back except my oscar. I had him since he was a tiny baby and took care of him when he was sick from the lfs. I thought I should maybe try flushing him thinking maybe he will come to life and live in the sewer ways or something. :rolleyes:

Even though I know flushing fish is not the way to do it, I did anyway. I plopped him in the toilet from the net and sunk to the bottom. I was about to flush the handle when I started seeing him splash around a bit. I quickly scooped him out with the net and put him in a clean bucket of water (with dechlor)

He was swimming around barely, but he was alive! :hyper:

After filling the tank with clean fresh water, a few days later his eyes weren't cloudy anymore and he was eating fine and swimming fine. He grew to be about 10 inches.

I had him for about 4 or 5 years, and then one morning he was just floating at the top of his tank dead.

There was no sign of injury and the water levels were normal. I couldn't figure out why he was dead, but it was the worst feeling in the world. To have a fish for so long and then have it die with no explanation or from something you couldn't control.

I am so sorry your oscars died that way.

I love oscars and think they are the most amazing fish. :good:

Did you report it or anything as someone busting your tank in?
Did you report it or anything as someone busting your tank in?
Since I've no concrete evidence of what actually happened, not really worth reporting.... It'll be ignored..... & I can only speculate?

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