All My Fry Dead.

Hi Oldman. I only had them in the box whilst the temp of the 17litre was adjusting and the water in the box acclimatised. They were floating for about 1.5hrs i'd say. They are now happily swimming around in the tank, not the least bit phased by the filter. I've also bought another pump and an airstone today so they are getting all the oxygen they need.

One of my pregnant mollys is looking suspicious now. She's not as big as my last molly that gave birth but she is darting all around the tank, mainly corner to corner and trying to get away from other fish. It also looks like the birthing tube is out, so I may have more fry in the morning. It never rains but it pours!!

Unfortunately my frogbit still hasn't turned up so not sure how many I will be able to save but hopefully I will at least get the magic 4!!!
Ahhhh molly now giving birth!!!!!! The rainbows are circling above her and eating every one!!!!! I've coaxed her into the trap. Didn't know what else to do. Let them get eaten or risk mum getting stressed and aborting. I'm now sat in pitch black shaking with adrenalin!!
Was going mad in the trap. I let her out and she went back to the same corner and started giving birth again. At least mum is safe. I've saved 4 and I'll have a look for the res in the morning.

Talk about stressful!
Haha, when I first started reading your post about the molly acting strangely, I thought "when it rains, it pours" and then you said the very same thing. Congrats!

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