All my fish are looking weird


New Member
Nov 25, 2003
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Madison, Wisconsin, USA
All of my fish in my ten gallon tank has what looks to be little air bubbles on their bodies. They look like little air bubbles for the most part or they may little white spots. I can't really tell. I'm concerned. What should I do?
Hmm..... first of I'd like you to make sure if they're white spots or air bubbles. I'm guessing white spots - as that is a major symptom of a somewhat common disease known as "ich".
It more than likely is ich. There are many treatments avaliable that are simple to use. My fish are just getting over it. I used "Quick Cure." You put a drop a gallon for 2 weeks. It also helps to raise the temp to 84 degrees. It speeds up the process of killing the ich.

Just a note: My fish are just getting over ich. Now a few of them have fungus. Be careful! Medicating the fish that did not have ich may have been a mistake. I've heard over medicating your fish can cause other diseases to develop. Make sure you research the disease and follow the directions on the medication.
Yes, it was ich. 3 of them died before i knew what it was. so sad. 2 fish seem to be active and looking good still. one however is looking rather sad. i just put some aquatic salt and ich medication in the water and raised the temp to 85. what is their chances for survival? anyone? the one fish looks pretty sick. but he is still moving about, just totally covered on his body and fins with ich. -_-

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