All My Fish Are Dying!

I'm sorry, I was off for awhile.

I thought we were dealing with male Bettas. I think some of the pronouns were confused.

Ok. What fish are where now?

What med are you dosing with and when did you start?

What water changes have you made. Do you have the present stats?

What do the fish look like now? Yes if they are females you could have kept them together, but they probably need to be in a hospital tank anyway. Ans if one heals you don't want it reinfected by another. If they are now separate it may be too much to move them again.

It is actually more important to keep the water clean. You can always replace the med.

Are the tanks running a filter? Can you describe what the present set ups are and how the fish are now. Bettas are master sulkers. Sorry. I did not know it was a sorority. Nevertheless, the tank stocking was creating problems. Too many territorial nipping fish. (And a tank of lady Bettas is called a sorority for a reason. While they may be very attached each other, they will still nip and be "catty.") When one of my ladies gets sick, I take her out and treat her in a Betta tank. I do not treat the whole tank, just the sick fish. Leaving her in just invites the spread of whatever is making her sick.

Advanced fin rot often advances to secondary infections when not addressed promptly.

I want to spend some time looking over this thread again and addressing each issue, because I am really confused about exactly what is going on. I felt very badly about snapping at you.

I have reread the thread and am still confused. lol

Try to give me a detailed explanation of your set up, fish and treatment.
ok lol:

current situation:

angel, 2 loaches, platy, 4 guppies in big tank. 2 guppies had tails nipped but both are almost healthy again, after treatment of melafix for 3 days with 25% water changes every day along with the redosing of melafix.

The nipper was a male dwarf gourami, who has been moved to another tank. He is fine. BUT, I gave him a blue girl dwarf gourami and hour ago and he attacked her too. So now i have in this 5 gallon tank a dwarf gourami (male) and the female in a bag. To add to this problem the female i noticed had white poop, i hope this is just from not being fed a lot at the shop, otherwise i may have a bacterial infection on my hands with out another hospital tank free! Any advice here appreciated.

If this is not a problem with the new fish (i know I should have quarantined her, but there you go), then she is now going to gow back into the big - 12 UK gallon tank, where she should be fine.

The 2 remaining female bettas have been moved to a hospital 4 uk gallon tank and have been treated with interpet no 8 anti fungus and finrot for their suspected cases of finrot, after the melafix had no improvement in the larger tank, and you said to take them to a hospital. This is their 3rd day of treatment of the antibiotics and there is an obvious improvement on the one with the most concerning symptoms - she is spreading her fins out, swimming and eating fine now. The other one sulks a fair bit and is only accepting live food still. The sulking one is in a breeding net, just so they don't pester each other.

The filter for this tank was annoying them too much and with just the two in there, considering the filter was just a mechanical one, i have stopped it and put in an air stone to optimize airation because the med says it uses up the oxygen. This stone goes off at night tho.

A large filter which had carbon (now removed for the melafix) in the large juwel filter in the big tank is fine.

Dont know the parameters for the tanks as i've run out of test kits, gettin more in the next few days. but they were all normal last i checked and they should be ok, especially the big tank, as i have changed the water every day!

So basically my remaining questions are:

1. Does the blue female gourami have any illness?
2. If she does, where can she go/what can i do, if she doesn't necessarily, can i put her in the big tank now
3. Are there any fish which will live happily in a 5 gallon with a very boisterous male gourami, until he grows bigger
4. Anything else?


Ps. its my b'day today so no better should be ill today, im sure of it lol!
Well Happy Birthday! Sorry I am late with that, andypandy.

I am glad to hear that the Betta girlies are recovering and the guppies, too. Continue to keep their water clean and complete the full treatments. I would sulk in a breeding net too. :rolleyes:

Considering the problems you have had I would quarantine the new fish or take her back to the lps until everything is sorted.

I am not experienced with dwarf Gourami at all and would check in the correct forum for advice on keeping them and which are reasonable tank mates. I believe they need several females or can pester the ladies to death, but I am not sure. In addition it might be best to add him to the lady's tank instead of visa versa. I can only assume that he will get more aggressive once there are females. But get Sylvia in the Gourami forum.

It sounds like everything is on the mend. And you have done what you could.

Do you plan on starting a new sorority? Again I would be careful of mixing even Betta females with guppies, Gouramis or angels. There will be some nipping because the Gourami and Bettas are nippers--same with the Angel. Keep an eye on it as it matures. The resident expert on angels is Tolak. Check in with him on the long run behavior you can expect with angels.

It is a good idea to research your fish in the individual forums before you buy. Looking at the best conditions for the species creates less drama in the long run and happier fish and fish keepers. Once you understand the species you are dealing with, then you can try unusual and daring combinations. :p

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