All Compatable?

Ah an interesting read Donya, i've heard they scavenge but not heard of them killing before!!

The fish you chose should be fine with the sexy shrimp but just saying encase you changed your fish stock around! :good: that is good :good:

Your right sexy shrimp like to be in groups otherwise they are scared and won't come out. Sorgan keeps them I think, he might be able to give you info on his experience with them if you need it! :) i think ill PM him then
Ah an interesting read Donya, i've heard they scavenge but not heard of them killing before!!

Well, to give a case example, although nori, encrusting algaes, bits of shrimp meat on a stick, and random debris make up most of my small Mithracid crab's diet, he is also an active predator on crustaceans smaller than him, mainly Amphipods and Isopods. Anything significantly smaller than him that wanders too close to the claws and doesn't run off fast enough is fair game to be squished and eaten enthusiastically. As he grows, I imagine the scope of things considered fair game will increase. I've seen similar tendencies from most Mithracids I've been able to watch for long enough. While I'm the first one to jump in to the defense of these crabs when they're labeled as nothing but a vehicle of death and destruction (since they absolutely can be kept peacefully in a community environment, unlike many other true crabs), at some level they are still crabs and must be planned around accordingly to have success.
Can you list the names of them so I can investigate them for my tank please :)
the cuc I mean I know the fishes :D

Love the halloweens tho and getting them in my tank :D

will do that :good:

cleaner shrimp
peppermint shrimp
halloween hemit (might have to change to blue legs instead)
orange starfish (may need to re-think)
turbo snail
nassarius nail
sexy shrimp
emerald crab
pom pom crab
tuxedo urchin

Thank you :good: Can have a good read up on them!
turbo snail

Missed this earlier; the grazing snails pictured aren't within the Turbo genus. It's hard to tell from the photos, but they are either Trochids or some species of Astrea or Lithopoma. All three are frequently sold incorrectly as "Turbos."
oh i dont know what they look like, just heard the name.
is it possible for you to get a pic??
Cheers Donya - learnt something new AGAIN!!! lol. Fountain of knowledge!

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