All 3 of my black mollys have some weird white stuff on random places on them. Its not ich, is it a fungus? Ive set up a 10 gallon for them for treatment, I was going to put in fungus treatment but came here first, any suggestions?
ya its white and in random places. Some on an eye, some on a mouth, near the head area looks fluffy. They are in my 10 gallon now, I was gonna add treatment that I already had but decided to wait and see if someone suggests another one thats better. This kind is capsules and they turn the water green. I'd rather see if theres something better that won't turn my tank green. Last time I used this stuff, my betta died.
It could be a bacteria or a fungus. Have you tried Melafix yet? It is wonderful. You can also try a good anti-fungal; there are a lot that do not turn your water green. Perhaps you should not use something that has killed your fish in the past...Good luck...
Ok so I increased the aeration, decreased the temperature, now all I need is to add the aquarium salt, and get Kanacyn, I've never heard of this but I hope it works. Also I need to find food containing oxytetracycline, tetracycline or kanamycin?
Any other suggestions?
Should I do 1 tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons or per gallon? They have them both listed on that site.
Any of those antibiotics will be fine, the antibiotics will knock your filter bacteria colony, so it would be best if you can issolate the fish for treatment.
Ok, ya, the fish are in a newly cycled 10 gallon by themselves. I checked all my fish from my 29 and none of them have this white stuff. I caught each one individually and looked at it for a while.
Hopefully running to the store whenever my bf gets off his butt and gets me, was definetly supposed to be here almost an hour ago.