algea wafers.

I have read threads about infections etc that can set in when barbells are damaged. One of the acknowledged authorities on cories in TFF is Inchworm. You could pm her. But no one will mind if you ask in emergency. It can be serious for them I hear. Fortunately I've not had the problem.

But I have used Melafix, and it can be helpful to healing.

BTW, :clap: congratulations on the fry. I'm envious, for sure. Must be happy little folk. :kana:
well i guess im going to start treeting them when i get softer gravel for the tank. any one know if walmart sells Melafix???
I don't do walmart. Melafix is in my stock fish meds. I buy all that stuff from an online supply house. And at this point I restock when stuff is on sale.

Melafix (an anti-bacterial) and Pimafix (an anti-fungal) are a a commonly used fish med. If walmart has a reasonably stocked fish section they should have them both and may use them. (My lfs has them sitting on their shelf to use.)

Just do the best you can. The way I read it, the cories are bottom fish. If they damage their barbells (any part of their body that is in constant contact with the bottom) there is a danger of infection because of the bacteria that live in the substrates. Watch not to let extra food say in the tank to rot and contaminate. Try to keep the gravel clean. I remember reading that you work to keep you tank clean I think.

This is way out of my area and would better be answered by someone with more experience in this area.
lol where did you read that i keep my tanks clean? lol cuz i am really paranoid about keeping them cleen. i do atleast a 50% water change ever couple days :p
It was in a thread where you mentioned your plants and your brother's. Maybe in the plant forum--don't remember.

EDIT: probably why you're not seeing a major problem with your cory.
i guess.
i have blue gravel so dirt cant hide that good! :p
the only dirt in there is on my plants roots.
oh ya. does anyone know if iron will hurt a cory, oto, oto fry, or a betta?
im thinking about adding a lil iron for the plants an i was just wondering cuz i can live with fake plants...but not fake fish :D

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