algea wafers.


Jul 18, 2005
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my 2 albino corys an my 2 otos LOVE their sinking algea wafers. but im never sure on how much to feed them. how much do you think i should feed them?...
i would feed about 1/2 a wafer but break up that 1/2 into two bits.

Do you use the hikari algae wafers?

BTW i think this is in the wrong forum section

Edit: oops i thought this was in the planted section for some reason.
It depends what other fish you have with them. Though I feed Hikari wafers to my bottom dwellers (cats and loaches) everyone seems to love them and all the fish in the tank come down to have a peck. It's usually like a groups meal ! lol

I don't think it's in the wrong section at all - it's about catfish clearly :dunno:

Edit: Oh I just saw your sig - what are VT's ?
I'd say as long as it get's eaten in 30 minutes (because some of the wafers can be a bit hard) is's fine. But really only a few times a week. Not every day.
bloozoo2 said:
It depends what other fish you have with them. Though I feed Hikari wafers to my bottom dwellers (cats and loaches) everyone seems to love them and all the fish in the tank come down to have a peck. It's usually like a groups meal ! lol

I don't think it's in the wrong section at all - it's about catfish clearly :dunno:

Edit: Oh I just saw your sig - what are VT's ?
I'd say as long as it get's eaten in 30 minutes (because some of the wafers can be a bit hard) is's fine. But really only a few times a week. Not every day.

Well I just learned something new. I put an alge wafer in there everyday. Im just afraid my bristlenose pleco isnt getting enough to eat and like you said, all the fish eat it and its gone with 30 minutes everytime. Should I not put one in a day?
i put 3/4 of a algae tab in for my BN and 4 otos every night of the week apart from one.

Well I've never put one in every single day and I have a selection of cats. I generally only feed my fish 5 - 6 days a week. I do not believe I underfeed my fish, but over feeding is generally far more of a problem and causes water quality problems a lot of the time. Algae waters I tend to feed on average approx 2 - 3 times a week. I feed a selection of 3 types of dry food mostly. Flakes, chips and granules - that tends to cater for all the feeding requirements in my tank.
Your cories and otos also tuck into any flakes or other food that make their way to the bottom. But as long as your water is fine - does not go cloudy and your nitrates are down, you should be fine if you want to feed them some algae wafer every day.

Here's a piccie of a couple of group meals ( there are red rainbows, a botia kubotai, a whiptail catfish, a swordie a mollie and a cae ! that's after they've polished off the flakes and granules :)

Ps: this pic is a good few months old as I don't have any plastic plants anymore.


Looks good. That white fish is cool looking. What is that? I have some platties that eat the algea waffers too. Its actually fun to watch all the fish huddle around it taking their turn to eat. I noticed, however, that my yoyo loaches dont eat on it. Im worried about them not eating enough, as Im sure you saw my other topic relating to that. And I never see my BN plec and dont know if hes eating right either. There is castle in my tank that he has made his home and he gets all up in it out of site. I got worried and couldnt find him, so I shook the castles in the tank till I saw his fins. Thats why I like to leave a algae pellot by the opening of his castle before I turn the lights off for the night..
Thanks :) , but stay away from that white looking fish :lol: it's a "dreaded" Chinese Algae Eater :X or otherwise also known as Golden sucking Loach - it was bright yellow when I got it as a youngster, but has lost most of the yellow and is now only left with a few blobs. It's probably only about 3" now, but they are notorious for becoming aggressive and territorial as they grow older. (Touch wood) I've not encountered any of that (yet :/ ).

My BN never came out either, though it was most certainly always nice and fat, but I decided to rehome it a few months ago as I wanted to make some space for some other fish.

Yeah, looks good...Mines a lot darker brown color with more bristles on his head..

No more talk about my fish. This topic is about Algae waffers B)
Hmm...I feed hikari and those nutrafin warfers + algae warfers. One of each perday :D all gone before 15mins, maybe i should feed 6 then.

That's what you have to feed if you have 100+ guppies in your tank with cories. i bet you have never seen 50 guppies trying to eat one peice of hikari warfers..i should video tape them.. :p

On top of that i also feed a total of 1 spoon of flakes everyday.

1 spoon of flakes (around 100 flakes)
3 warfers.

I'm gonna go bankrupt soon...

They eat better than me! they are damn spoiled :kana:
i feed my ten gal that has a actual breeding pair of otos(very proud) an 2 albino corys an a crazy pastel VT betta that has addopted some of the oto fry an keeps them in a bubble nest.

that question about what VT meens, it meens vieltail betta. best example i can think of is a walmart betta.

ya. i noticed something very sad. this morning my corys are both missing their left side antenni barbell things. so im going to do a gravel change to some rounder softer gravel. do barbells grow back? i love the little guys an i would hate for them to have a disability.

im thinking about adding more fish but im not sure as to what to add. in a week or 2 im givin the pet shop my oto fry an the owner said she would give me a 5% discount any time i buy there. so i dont know what to get :D i kinda want something active an atractive but isnt going to cause problems with my betta. but if i must my betta can go back into a 1gallon like all my others.

im happy this topic got alot of replies :D
I've never been able to get either my corys or my swordtails to even touch an algea wafer. The swordies will chase the tablet down to the sand but then they just look at it for a minute and then get bored and swim off. The corys completely ignore them. I've tried a couple brands, including Hikari but no interest.
Im feeding my cories/otos wafers probably a little too much, but im just trying to get them to eat (especially the oto), and as a result the water quality has gone down.

Btw bloozoo, Nice rainbow!
I'm still trying to learn to adjust tablet feeding too, including especially algae wafers.

In the large tetra community tank with a large varriety of many fish, everything gets pretty much eaten. Tetras are especially ravenous. So the algae wafers go in periodically just to make sure everyone is getting their veggies without ravaging the plants, and they get eaten.

But in the smaller tanks, where I am trying to make sure the otos are getting enough (not many plants, if any and not much algae), sometimes they get readily eaten and sometimes they just lay there. :/

It is very much trial and error. :whistle:

Polardbear, what about her cories' barbells?
I'm guessing treat them with Melafix. Try the emergency forum for faster and specific interaction, Alix.
im not too worried about the barbells some ppl say they are really need them to eat but mine never have any trouble eating an they are always playing around in the plants an stuff :D but im going to get some softer gravel when i get some money in bout a week.

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