Algea Eaters

for algea, ottos ive found are the best fish, but need mature and well maintained set-ups.
my amano shrimps makes light work fo algea, and my pitbull plec also eats a fair amount of algea too.
cories dont eat algea though
Thanks everyone. :good:

Set up the tank 27 December. the water stats once cycled have been stable.

Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Ammonia 0
Ph is 5-10
A pH of 5-10 is not a pH reading. Technically, that is a range as total pH ranges from 0 to 14 but 5-10 is too wide for aquarium purposes. You should have a reading like 6.2 or 7.0 (not to say that those are the only ones but just examples).

Most reactions
