

Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I'm a bit of a compulsive shopper and recently bought some things to help control algae although I'm a bit conservative when it comes to additives to the tank.

I have some "AlgaeFix" made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals and was wondering if it would be effective against hair algae. Other than hair algae my tank is in pretty good shape and any algae I do have is kept in check by my otos and my bristlenose. However, the only way it seems that I can get rid of the hair algae is to remove the plants. I have tried that but it just keeps growing back on the plants. I have thoroughly cleaned the tank recently and bleached my rocks and driftwood and the filter as well. I have also interrupted the light cycle and have cut out fertilizers (although my gravel has laterite and also some root tabs near some plants).

Should I try this stuff? Will it do any damage to my fish or plants? The active ingredient by the way is Poly(oxyetheline(dimethyliminio)ethelyne(dimethethyliminio)ethyline dichloride) - whatever that means!
It has been suggested to me that phosphates are the cause of the hair algae, and I actually have a bag of Phosgard that I could put in my filter. I do know that the local water company adds phosphates to the water to retard corrosion. However, others have suggested to me that by eliminating phosphates that I will be starving the plants.

I really don't know what the cause of the hair algae is but I'm going through testing variables such as micronutrients and lighting. However, I know that once it starts, it's not like it just goes away by itself. It has to be eliminated manually, as well. I have spent a lot of time removing hair algae from plants and decorations but it's impossible to remove it all, unless I just want to remove massive amounts of plants. I figure if they're still growing let them grow.

I am hesitant to put anything in my tank which is why I haven't done anything yet. It's just that I want to be able to get rid of the hair algae and it is very stubborn.
Oh man, is right! Why would I remove phosphates with one product and add phosphates back in with another? I guess because you can control the level better but it seems contradictory to me.
Exactly, the levels are controllable, however, I really wouldn't mess with it at all as I don't think removing phosphate will hurt the plants. I don't think that you can remove 100% of the phosphate either, since you are still feeding your fish. So your plants will not die of phosphate starvation!!
Argh, sometimes I hate planted aquariums. Then I love them. :crazy: :lol:
Sorry if this confuses you, I am just trying to help. :thumbs:
Plants do need phosphate, but VERY little of it. Alage (Of all types) love phosphates, and need plenty of it. Unfortunately, fish food contains more phosphate in proportion to nitrogen and potassium than plants need, so if your plants are sucking up all your Nitrogen or Potassium then you'll still have an excess of phosphates which leads to good conditions for alage.
OK, you've convinced me. I put the PhosGuard back in the filter. I removed a good bit of hair algae over the weekend. There's still some growing on my vallisneria but I'm trimming off those leaves that are most heavily effected. We'll see in a couple of weeks if the hair algae comes back or not.

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