Algae Shrimps = Amano Shrimp?


I have amano shrimp and mine don't have pincers. They also don't seem very interested in the algae either!! All they try to do is pinch the flakes I give my platies. Funny to watch though
That's all mine do Rebecca, but I do see them exploring all day, so they might eat the algae but I don't have any so that could be why!

Neal :good:
I've heard if you are buying them to get rid of algae, then just buy a pleco or something, as they don't really eat algae, but I didn't buy them for that, I bought them because someone recommended them to me ages ago when I had my betta, and I just thought, hmm they are cool! :hey:

Neal :good:
has anyone ever had an amano shrimp climb or jump out of their tank?
i put three of these in my ten gallon a while back and i found two on the floor and one i still dont know what happened to it. they did do a great job of scavenging while they were in there though, and did clean off my fake driftwood of almost all its algae.

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