Algae Shrimps = Amano Shrimp?


Live life, don't let it live you!
Feb 21, 2006
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Darlington, England, United Kingdom
I've seen "algae shrimp" in a pet shot near me, and I wondered if these are amano shrimp, and if they aren't, I would like to know a little bit about them, are they hardy ect?
Thanks in advance,
Neal :good: :good: :good:
yes they are one and the same shrimp cardina japonica
Cool, I might get some if they still have them next time I go, how many should I get for a 30" tank heavily planted, but the floor is taken by 4 small plecos?

Neal :good: :good: :good:
Our local shop says these are a bit of a handfull... attack small fish (neons) or attach to larger fish - is this bull ?
:crazy: I've never seen any such behaviour. And keep ten of them with endlers (tiny little things) and also wild guppies (also tiny).
i read that they can atack a fish that is almost dead (as in to ill to swim away) and they also eat other carrion in the tank
and they also eat other carrion in the tank
What Carrion ?

They are certainly opportunistic little scavengers, but attack fish (unless in a race for a tasty morsel of food) I think highly unlikely.
dead fish. other dead shrimps, dead things in general...

I`ll see if i can find a link to the site i read it on, as i was looking for some crustatians for my tank
So how many should I get for my 20 Gallon do you think? I know they don't create much poo, only thing is there is 4 plecs so there might not be enough algae, but I do feed 2 algae wafers everyday...

Neal :good: :good: :good:
I dont know if mine are amano shrimp but i bought them under the name "algae shrip" for $1.50 each. They are about 2 inches for the males with big pinchers and 1 1/2iches for the smaller pincherless females. When i first got them i but them in a healthy 10 gallon with about 10 Fancy female guppies. and the next morning i went to check up on them and i noticed i was down 2 gups. i found 1 being consimed by 2 large male shrimp and the other took me about 10 minutes to find. and all i found wast the BACKBONE! i was so mad. i put all the shrimp in the oscar tank! oops...
Bucky, they don't sound like amano shrimps, there are lots of species of shrimp some more predatory than others, sounds like a type of long-arm shrimp, which tend to be rather aggressive.
Have to agree with Moray - Caridina Japonica (Amano Shrimp) do not have "pinchers" :no:
You definitely have something else there.
If you plan on putting it with your blackmoor - then no :no:
My blackmoore died a while back, I was just gonna change that tank into a planted tank, but the water will be quite warm because of a spotlight above it. It was a tank just for them.

Neal :good:

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