Algae Issue - Need Advice

Cheers Steveo, I purchased a bottle of easy life easy carbo from the LFS. When I tried to explain to the guy there what I wanted and why I think I confused the poor bloke, but he eventually shoved this stuff into my hand. I mixed it with water in a 20/1 ratio, removed the piece of decoration that is worst affected, (my test piece), sprayed it out of the tank, waited a few minutes and replaced it. I'll let you know what happens!
Noticed that my cherry shrimp seem to like hanging out in the algae!
Silly question time:
I purchased a power head which has really increased flow around the tank, (got it on half power as it seemed to be way too strong). Should this be on a timer so that the fish get a bit of calmer water at times?
Depends what fish you have really, my tank has huge current but the fish are used to it and they normally find a slower spot to rest in any way.

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