Algae In Marine Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 10, 2009
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A friend of mine has a marine tank and has developed a large algae problem. Now the knowledge I have gained is purely for tropical so can anyone point me towards an article similar to this one but which is specific to marine please?

He also asked me the question is live rock permanent in the tank or should it be replaced periodically?


Hi Alex

Cough, cough, I think 'your friend' could do with doing a bit of reading and research on the salty side of life!

Live rock is permanent

Seffie x

Have a look at this [URL=""][/URL]

May be you could get your friend to register and we could help them out more if we knew which sort of algae they are fighting and a little about their tank set up :good:
Thanks for the info I will pass it on. :good:

The friend is infact a collegue at work who is, admittedly, losing interest in keeping his fish and is finding it hard to dedicate the necessary time to it. I'm hoping he'll look to sell the tank as I may be able to talk the wife round. :good:

The reason he asked me instead of doing some research is because I seem to have got a bit of a reputation for being a fish geek, don't know how that happened :blush: He's been keeping fish for much longer that I have but has never really fully researched things, just gone on lfs advice :crazy:

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