Sorry about a newbie question like this! - I have brown patches appearing on the plastic plant leaves and rock in the aquarium, which can be wiped easily away with my finger. I thought algae was green though?
Thanks, now I know it is algae! Probably I am leaving the light on for too long - I am at work and leave it on all day, and some of the evening just so I can watch them for a while. What time is best? It's a small 30litre tank.
Don't want to hijack, but it sounds like you've got exactly the same as me, and mine is a new
tank, only 4 weeks old.
It's on the glass, gravel, and one on one of the (real) plant's leaves. But it's not growing
nearthe back of the tank or near my Vallis plants - are they keeping it away.
Looking forward to anyone that can help.
Will it clear up as the tank matures? Should we add anything to help it on its way?
Actually, as strange as it may seem, the best way to get rid of brown algae is to increase the light. I've never liked doing that as the brown algae will eventually go away and I didn't want to bring on a worse kind of algae with too much light.