algae beneficial??


New Member
Jul 18, 2004
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Hey All,

I have a few questions im having trouble gettin answers.

Is the red and brown algae growing on the sides of my tank beneficial in the breaking down of nitrates?? Or should i scrub them off as soon as possible cause they are in competition with the coraline algae growing on my LR. If i did scrub them would that just spread them throught the tank (do i have to do a water change after i scrub??)

do some damsels eat/nibble feather dusters (i have a blue devil damsel and a feather duster who spends most of his time inside the tube)

I would appreciate some insight as my nitrate levels are higher than normal 40 ppm.

Thanks ;)
All algeas will use up Nitrates. Hair algea etc looks bad but does the same job as Caulerpa or any other type of Macro Algea. Of course tehre are different rates of Nutrient extraction depending on what algea is in teh tank. I think you will find caulerpa is probably the best at using up Nitrates (not sure about your algea).

I will state however that Im not so sure that you have got algea in the tank... Red Algea (i guess you mean the slimey stuff) Is usually Cyanobacteria. This is actualkly a bacteria and not an algea as most people think of it as an algea. Cyano (and the brown Diatomous algea) is usually a sign of a new tank so does this mean you have had the tank running for a long period of time? If the tank is new then dont worry as this is a usual cycle for a tank. Both types usually indicate high Phosphates.
To slow the growth of Cyano you can try the following... Increase water flow in the area its located. Cyano doesnt like high circulation and will usually die back. Cut back on feeding as this might be helping to increase nitrates and phosphates.

DO you have any live rock? if not then you are probably producing more nitrates than can be turned into nitrogen. Increae the amount of liverock until you have 1lb per gallon of tank.

Sorry if the advice is a little jumbled, im just typing it as i think of it really. If you can give a bit more info on the setup of the tank then im sure more detailed answers can be given.

Unfortunately I am away on holiday tonight for 2 weeks so unless you can get back here with the answers in a few hours I wont be able to answer, however there are many others that can easily give you the answers you are looking for.

As for the dansel... Well each fish is an individual, although they all follow basic behavioral guidelines, I have learnt that you can never be truely sure how they will act, I have a Trigger in a Reef setup, 2x 6 Line wrasse that arent supposed to live in the tank together and a Koran Angel that is supposedly NOT reef safe yet doesnt touch the corals so as you can see there is no definate YES or NO. :*) However, fish can develope a taste for picking on feather dusters. It is possible that its the fish but it might also be that the worm is not liking the conditions its living in?
What you have is far more likely a result of high nitrates, rather than a desirable controller of those nitrates. Cut down on feeding, step up skimming, add flow, and reduce lighting to get start. And get a proper id of the problem (cyano or hair or other algae) and get something to consume it. For the former, fighting conchs are the best by far, and cool snails at that. For the latter, an urchin will be your best bet.

Also check phosphates. well, you can't as whatever is in there is reducing to zero. Do you use ro/di? If not, start. If so, again cut down on feeding. And try Rowaphos or PHosban (or other ferrous oxide hydroxide phosphate remover) with a phosban reactor (fluidized bed filter).
Thank you guys so much for your replies. i get so concerned about my tank. I am a newbie in this fish world but am convinced ill be an aquarist for life. I live in hawaii, the big island where we are lucky to even have a LFS. What we do have is a energy lab that pumps in water from 200 meters, the cherriest water you can get. i just did a 20% water change with that water and siphoned out all the crap out from the bottom of the tank and it made a world of difference.

I read alot of stuff about aquariums and alot of it is BS. The thing i have on my side is patience, i want it to work, i love the inner world of the tank.

I do have live rock with a UGF hermits, shrimps, crabs, urchins all due to the LR and it seems to me steady water changes and cleanup and the tank will be fine. Slowly ill add a skimmer which i belive will lengthen the time between water changes.

I just want to say i appreciate this forum and i appreciate the people in it who offer good advice and knowledge to others, once again TY :cool:

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