Albinos Acting Different


Mar 7, 2011
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yesterday my pair of albino corys were chasing eachother like mad and 1 def looks alot more chubby than usual. the chubby one seems to be resting alot more than the long looking male. i have been feeding them brine shrimp mix pellets and algae wafers is she preg or is she just greedy?? have looked for eggs but nothing and she i still large
probably breeding, recent water changes and feeding will do it. they go nuts.
anything i can do to encourage them? whats the best signs to look out for before they lay eggs?

i dont want my other fish munching them!
T position and basically going nuts around the glass looking for places

Your need to buy a net to hang on the side of the tank, take the eggs out with your finger or a credit card and plop them into it. 4/5 days later they will hatch and your need to feed them fry foods. plenty of advice in this forum for that too.
+1 has Tizer said :nod:

Cold water changes and feeding defrosted bloodworm kick starts my albinos,and they normally hatch out 3 days later at temp of 24 degrees :)
well they have stopped messing about now and just normal again, i am feeding them brine shrimp mix and cat pellets. I also done a cool water change last week shall i do another??
water changes simulate heavy rain which triggers them to spawn, its not always advisable to put your fish through this regularly as other fish in the tank may not like this and could cause them to stress out.

Just carry on with weekly changes and plop a cube of frozen bloodworm into the tank afterwards. It will slowly melt and fall to the bottom. If they are going to breed, they will do it in their own time. Also, you dont know 100% if they are male & female, you might have a couple of confused females :)
1 is short and fat and the other 1 is long and lean so i take it that they are male and female, hopefully! when i have some dosh then i will get some bloodworm.
well now i have eggs, i have scraped them off the tank very carefully and placed them in a net above the airstone now do i just sit and wait? what do i feed them if they hatch? crushed flake and brineshrimp?
Congrats on the eggs,how many? :good:

Albino eggs tend to hatch 3-4 days later.Finely crushed flakes & defrosted baby brine shrimp is good,try not to overfeed and clean the bottom clean & with daily waterchanges and they should be fine.

Its not worth feeding them for the first 24-48 hrs has they will live off of their egg sac,and any food put in will spoil the water and may harm the fry.

Good luck,let us know how they go :nod:

I do have a thread going somewhere about my albino spawning expliots :lol:
well about 60 but it was very hard to get them in the net so lost about 20 :( but at least its better than none
how do i know if he eggs are fungus'd at the moment they are all a yellow/cream colour and some have white/lighter insides. Cant take pics at moment sorry
Yellow/cream colour is fine,any solid white ones remove has these are infertile or have fungus :good:
they are not solid white, they are white balls inside the eggs are these the babys
no, those are infertile, remove them and keep an eye for more appearing. You can normally see them within the first few days, after that the rest should be fine :)

I suggest going onto ebay or a local shop and getting some hikari first bites, perfect (cheap) for small fry, mine feed on it quite happily for the first few weeks.

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