Albino Toad


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
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Hayling Island
Can anyone give me some useful advice or tips on how to look after my Albino Toad, ive only got the one because the shop didnt have any more, he lives on his own in a 2 foot tank, he always seems to be hungry,
I need to know how much and how often i need to feed him and if theres a breeder who lives near Hayling Island who can help me out with a mate for him.
Any help would be appreaciated.
If you dont know about the toad why get a mate for it? Try researching, works wonders.
The reason I want a mate for him is because he seems lonely in the tank by himself, the shop where I got the the toad gave me advice on how to look after it, I just wanted some additional advice, maybe something useful, ive had him for a week now and he seems to be ok, I wanted two from the start but the shop dont get them in often.
I found your advice patronising and completely unhelpful! I have read up on these albino toads but its good to get advice from people who have toads of their own, I have scanned the internet for information and I came across this site thinking it would be of some help, NOT A GOOD START FOR ME!

If there is anyone who can help me in a useful way with any tips or advice I would be grateful.
He was just suggesting you did some research on toads.....what exactly have you found out so far about them?....that will make it easier for people to add to it rather than just saying you have bought one and want to know about them.....assuming of course you researched it BEFORE you got it?
When I first got my aquarium 4 years ago I got my fish and two albino toads, I have a cold water tank and the bloke in the shop suggested I take the toads aswell, Big mistake as they started to attack and eat my fish so I took them back to the shop about 2 months later, My fish have died over the years and I decided to just have the toads in the tank instead, So i have had them before, but im not experienced in keeping them so while I waited for the shop to get some in I read about them to try to learn as much about them as I could, all I wanted was any extra tips from anyone who has them, and the reason im enquireing on how much to feed him is because i only have the one i don t want to give him to much or to little, the blood worm is a frozen cube, I have been giving him half of cube a day but he always seems to be looking for more.
So I went into getting this toad with my eyes open and well read up on him. He does seem lost in the tank by himself which is why i was asking if there is a breeder who can supply me with a mate for him rather than wait for the shop to get some more because that could take ages.

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Is your toad completely aquatic, or does it need dry land as well? If it's aquatic, it sounds like you have an albino African Clawed Frog.

If this is the case, he needs to be kept by himself or with others of his own kind. They don't get along with fish because they do eat them. They thrive on feeder guppies and minnows as well as live or frozen worms. Don't worry about overfeeding him. Half a cube of frozen bloodworms is not very much food and if he wants more, don't hesitate to give it to him. If you can get feeder guppies and/or minnows, he will readily eat them too, and will thrive on them.

Do you know if you have a male or a female?

BTW, what country do you live in? :unsure:
Hi and thanks for your advice, It is an albino african clawed frog and im sure its a male because ive seen a picture of both sexes and he definatly looks like a male from the back end. He is 100% aquatic.
Is it right that he can have as a treat raw meat?
I live in the south of England on a small island called Hayling Island.


Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Is your toad completely aquatic, or does it need dry land as well? If it's aquatic, it sounds like you have an albino African Clawed Frog.

If this is the case, he needs to be kept by himself or with others of his own kind. They don't get along with fish because they do eat them. They thrive on feeder guppies and minnows as well as live or frozen worms. Don't worry about overfeeding him. Half a cube of frozen bloodworms is not very much food and if he wants more, don't hesitate to give it to him. If you can get feeder guppies and/or minnows, he will readily eat them too, and will thrive on them.

Do you know if you have a male or a female?

BTW, what country do you live in? :unsure:
:* :* :*
Hi Blondie

I had the same set up as you initially and found the same problems with my fish disappearing. Bad shop advice. I couldn't bring myself to part with any of them so set up two different tanks. I just love the albinos, but they are grubbers and like dogs will ALWAYS be hungry. My frogs thrived on frozen bloodworm which I fed to them one block every two or three days. They will also eat brine and shrimp etc which can be bought frozen in blocks like the bloodworm. Best advice to find more is to check out and look up pet shops in your area. Give them a 0phone to find out if they sell the little rascals. They also live well alongside newts such as firebellies and paddletails providied they are not too small. Enjoy

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