Albino Sterbai, Anyone Got Any Experience With Them?


Moved On
Dec 29, 2005
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Bradford, West Yorkshire
received the 15 i bought this morning. they are about 2cm+ in length, but i dont see the orange on the pectoral fins. To me they look like Albino C. Aeneus. do they only develope the orange flashes later in life?
Hi Sp00ky

Congratulation on Albino Sterbai :good: No, I never see the fish myself, but I'm in the market for it. Love to get some for my tank :wub:

Let see the photo of Albino Sterbai.
From personal experiance the orange should be present on the fins from very early at least 1cm onwards. It will however depend on the quality of the parent fish, I have seen 3cm + Sterbai both normal and albino without the orange on the fins.

I would also say that at 2cm the body shape alone should look very much like a Sterbai and not like Aeneus.

A couple of photos will help :)

These were mine at around 2cm

From personal experiance the orange should be present on the fins from very early at least 1cm onwards. It will however depend on the quality of the parent fish, I have seen 3cm + Sterbai both normal and albino without the orange on the fins.

I would also say that at 2cm the body shape alone should look very much like a Sterbai and not like Aeneus.

A couple of photos will help :)

photos being taken right now :)

Right this pic is apparently of the youngs mother as sent to me by the seller...


and these are some of the fry. if you need any more pics of the young i can take them.

Hmm the female is defo Sterbai but the orange is a bit washed out on the pectoral spines, as for the young its hard to be 100% certain from that photo. There doesnt seem to be any orange in the fins which for me should be there by now.

Could you try and get a couple of side on shots similar to mine above :)
nice fish mate.
just thought i would say that it is a good idea to change to a sand substrate as the gravel can damage there barbels causing possiable infection around the mouth.
nice fish mate.
just thought i would say that it is a good idea to change to a sand substrate as the gravel can damage there barbels causing possiable infection around the mouth.

that would be true if it were sharp gravel. the gravel in there is very smooth and not of a large size :) its also a quarantine tank and my other 5 cory tanks all have sand in with the hatchery being bare bottom ;)

also, you only get infection if your husbandry is crap :good:
I can really see what you meen about them looking like Albino C.Aeneus, to be honest I can see charachteristics of both species. For me personally I would expect more vivid orange on those fins than what they currently have.

Why did he only send you a photo of the Female Sterbai, is ther an outside chance that these could be Sterbai x Aeneus hybrids :( .
I can really see what you meen about them looking like Albino C.Aeneus, to be honest I can see charachteristics of both species. For me personally I would expect more vivid orange on those fins than what they currently have.

Why did he only send you a photo of the Female Sterbai, is ther an outside chance that these could be Sterbai x Aeneus hybrids :( .

i have txt the guy and hes a really nice chap. I asked him if he was sure they were sterbai and he said yes 100% as he only has albino sterbai and normal sterbai. he has never had aeneus. i asked him if the parents pecs were vivid orange or did they look washed and he has assured me they are bright orange.

if they are aeneus then they are the most expensive ones i have every bought at £3 each !!

oh well, my seach for some better speciems continues.... dont suppose you have any Mr Duff ?

hold up... hes just txt me to tell me hes got a breeding group of 8 sterbai and about 90 eggs on the go and some "SHOULD" be albino. just txt him now to ask if both parents are Albino.... this could be the answer.....


Hes just replied to say that he has 4 of each so that doesnt answer the question any further LOL
My female albino Sterbai is full of eggs at the moment, I was going to move all the Sterbai into their own tank later this week. What I will do is move the Albino Sterbais into their own tank and if/when I have some young you can have your pick of them :)
Hi Sp00ky :)

You are so lucky to have found these rare corys! :cool: They are on my want list, but I've never even come close to getting them.

As for the color being lighter than you expected, it might be good to give them a while to get settled in before you get concerned. Sometimes fish will appear lighter when they have been stressed.
Hi Sp00ky :)

You are so lucky to have found these rare corys! :cool: They are on my want list, but I've never even come close to getting them.

As for the color being lighter than you expected, it might be good to give them a while to get settled in before you get concerned. Sometimes fish will appear lighter when they have been stressed.

okidopey hun will do. i'll give em a few days.

Mad Duff, i will defo take you up on that. just let me know when they are ready and i will take as many as i can manage at the time ;)
I cant tell the difference between these and the albino C. aeneus. They look just like the ones I have :dunno:

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