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received the 15 i bought this morning. they are about 2cm+ in length, but i dont see the orange on the pectoral fins. To me they look like Albino C. Aeneus. do they only develope the orange flashes later in life?
From personal experiance the orange should be present on the fins from very early at least 1cm onwards. It will however depend on the quality of the parent fish, I have seen 3cm + Sterbai both normal and albino without the orange on the fins.
I would also say that at 2cm the body shape alone should look very much like a Sterbai and not like Aeneus.
A couple of photos will help
nice fish mate.
just thought i would say that it is a good idea to change to a sand substrate as the gravel can damage there barbels causing possiable infection around the mouth.
I can really see what you meen about them looking like Albino C.Aeneus, to be honest I can see charachteristics of both species. For me personally I would expect more vivid orange on those fins than what they currently have.
Why did he only send you a photo of the Female Sterbai, is ther an outside chance that these could be Sterbai x Aeneus hybrids .
Hi Sp00ky
You are so lucky to have found these rare corys! They are on my want list, but I've never even come close to getting them.
As for the color being lighter than you expected, it might be good to give them a while to get settled in before you get concerned. Sometimes fish will appear lighter when they have been stressed.