Albino Red Tail Sharks?


Fish Addict
Oct 22, 2006
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Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia
I'm getting read to buy some mates for my O before he grows to big for introductions and on an online live fish store they list albino red tail sharks? They also listed albino rainbow sharks. I didnt think it was possible to get albino red tails? LOl I hope it is possible as I'd love to get one.

I have seen albino RTBS and Rainbows in shops. What suprises me is that anyone buys them.
Most tropical fish are nicely coloured. That is part of what makes them desirable. Buying albino's seems to me a perverse thing to do, but each to their own.
see your point, they scare my kids so i dont get them :)
I love albinos, I really like the idea of an all albino tank. My Baby O's a pure white albino, I'm getting a gold CAE which is pretty close to an albino and then an albino red tail shark. It would complete the picture nicely. Plus they stand out really well against a black background with black gravel in contrast to a black fish against a black background.

To each his own I guess, I always go for albinos over normal coloureds.
I love albinos, I really like the idea of an all albino tank. My Baby O's a pure white albino, I'm getting a gold CAE which is pretty close to an albino and then an albino red tail shark. It would complete the picture nicely. Plus they stand out really well against a black background with black gravel in contrast to a black fish against a black background.

To each his own I guess, I always go for albinos over normal coloureds.
Sounds interesting you should uploads some pics of your tank :)
LOl currently don't have the tank, its sitting at the pet store while we wait for someone to come fix the road. There've been massive floods and storms around our area and it pretty much washed away the road, we can just get through but theres no way a tank would survive all that crashing around.

Currently the O is still in his 20g quarantine, he's only 4cm long so he'll survive until I can get the tankmates and the tank.
LOl currently don't have the tank, its sitting at the pet store while we wait for someone to come fix the road. There've been massive floods and storms around our area and it pretty much washed away the road, we can just get through but theres no way a tank would survive all that crashing around.

Currently the O is still in his 20g quarantine, he's only 4cm long so he'll survive until I can get the tankmates and the tank.
Sorry to hear that, hopefully the road will be fixed soon and you can fill a lovely albino tank :)
i saw a couple albino rainbow sharks just the other day when i stopped in petsmart (the only lfs near me) the other day to buy a new powerhead. they were much bigger than their standard rainbow sharks, also they were very healthy, i gotta admit i was impressed.
Albino rainbow sharks have been around for well over 20 years, but the albino red tail is quite rare.

I First saw then about 18 months ago in london and have only seen then 2-3 times since i do have one in one of my tanks so but their is no lighting so unable to get a photo but the red in the tail ie s lovely metallic red colour to it and i love the fish, i've had it for 6 months now and it's growing well, but not as fast as regular sharks.

The reason i cant get a photo is it's a customers tank and i clean it every week at 7am and the lighting is out of my control and turn's on at 9am when the store opens. I'll try a dark photo but cant promise.

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