Albino Cory

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
I got an Albino Cory catfish this morning and a bronze one. The bronze one seems OK, hoovering the gravel and looks OK. However, the albino is going 'mental!' he's swimming around very very fast just up and done into the glass up to the surface around the bottom - in general all over the place.
Are they always this hyper? I heard that cories where calm fish?

Why is he doing this?? The bronze one has started doing it a little too...
I got an Albino Cory catfish this morning and a bronze one. The bronze one seems OK, hoovering the gravel and looks OK. However, the albino is going 'mental!' he's swimming around very very fast just up and done into the glass up to the surface around the bottom - in general all over the place.
Are they always this hyper? I heard that cories where calm fish?

Why is he doing this?? The bronze one has started doing it a little too...

Sounds like normal behavior to me. Cories are extremely active when they are young. Mine are around 1.75" and they still do it from time to time. They calm down once they get older. If you had a bigger school of them, they would all swim together like that. Its very fun to watch.

EDIT: One more thing, Cories like to explore things, this might also be what its doing.
Hi timmystood :)

If your fish look healthy they are probably just getting used to your tank. Corys are naturally playful, especially when they are young, and you'll be seeing more of this behavior. This is one of the things that makes them so popular.

If you have room to add a couple more of them, they will feel more secure and you will surely enjoy watching a school of them swimming together up and down the glass. :D

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