Albino Cory Schooling Question...


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2009
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I bought 2 albino Cories from Petco a few months ago. They swim together and are very active. Shortly after, I bought 2 more to join them from a fish store. I can tell the difference from the 2 originals and the newer ones as the second set have longer fins and bigger eyes. Anyway, the first 2 stay together and the newer two stay together - they never school! Also, the second two are very inactive, I barely see them swim ever... is this normal or not? Thanks...
I bought 2 albino Cories from Petco a few months ago. They swim together and are very active. Shortly after, I bought 2 more to join them from a fish store. I can tell the difference from the 2 originals and the newer ones as the second set have longer fins and bigger eyes. Anyway, the first 2 stay together and the newer two stay together - they never school! Also, the second two are very inactive, I barely see them swim ever... is this normal or not? Thanks...

I have had the same issues with my adolfois. It has taken a while for them to begin to school together, but they are doing it more and more. How long has it been since you put in the new corys?
I bought 2 albino Cories from Petco a few months ago. They swim together and are very active. Shortly after, I bought 2 more to join them from a fish store. I can tell the difference from the 2 originals and the newer ones as the second set have longer fins and bigger eyes. Anyway, the first 2 stay together and the newer two stay together - they never school! Also, the second two are very inactive, I barely see them swim ever... is this normal or not? Thanks...

I have had the same issues with my adolfois. It has taken a while for them to begin to school together, but they are doing it more and more. How long has it been since you put in the new corys?

I bought the first two probably about 2 months ago, and bought two more a week or two afterwords.
I can only go by own experiences but my corys first started to show signs of schooling after a couple of days.

After a month there were still some visible divisions.

I notice that at night after about a month they would all sleep in a group.

I originally had a male and a female, I then added three females. The male cory thought it was his lucky day, the female was a bit more reluctanct though.

In future I would not have added smaller groups of corys so that they did not out number the existing the existing ones.

I imagine they will all school together eventually, just takes a bit of time.

Thinking about it the original corrys schooled with a betta quicker than they did with the other corrys.

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