Albino Cory Eggs (lots Of Them)


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi woke up this morning to find that both females are laying eggs all over my tank ive saved around 150 or more eggs and put them into a large jug with and airstone, i haven't got any Methylene Blue :/
should i go and buy some or will most of them hatch with out it?

thnx in advance guppy_man
As long as they have water flowing over them they should be fine :)

I only lost one or two eggs due to fungus without meth blue so you'll be okay

Goodluck and keep us updated :D

o ok, well im off to the LFS soon, i need some more plants, either water sprite or vallis, and 1 platy(male)
hi guppyman,congrats on the eggs!!!i didnt use Methylene Blue either & only two of my eggs fungused aswell,its up to you if you want to try using it or not.some people swear by it and some people like me dont bother!just make sure you keep a constant flow of water over them.think you will need something bigger than a lage jug to keep the fry in tho once they hatch.keep us informed of how it all goes.good luck!! :)

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