Albino Cory Cat


everyone has the odd un explained death from time to time so don't be too hard on yourself. It certainly sounds like you've been doing things right, sometimes the fish is just the runt of the litter so to speak and is susceptible to diseases.

Finish the course of meds just to make sure you eradicate it from the tank.

The tank water is now tinted red in color. Another one of the cories was laying on top of a plant near the top of the tank and swam a little when touched with the net. The water levels are:

amonia 0
ph 7.6
nitrite 0
nitrate 0

This morning it was still a little yellow which was assumed due to the meds since that is what it had been earlier this week.

Don't understand at all!!
This is a long shot but is a remote possibility. Do you have an odd smell coming from the hood of the tank? I lost a complete betta sorority to poisoning when the built in ballast in one of those compact fluorescent bulbs that are supposed to replace incandescents overheated. It melted and released the potting resin in the base of the bulb which of course dripped into the water. By the time I noticed the problem the whole sorority was dead. The insulating stuff they use for electronics is not made to be safe when it gets into your water. It does have a distinct odor when it starts to melt like that but the odor is hard to describe. If the odor was at all strong it would drive you from the room, it smells that bad.
This is a long shot but is a remote possibility. Do you have an odd smell coming from the hood of the tank? I lost a complete betta sorority to poisoning when the built in ballast in one of those compact fluorescent bulbs that are supposed to replace incandescents overheated. It melted and released the potting resin in the base of the bulb which of course dripped into the water. By the time I noticed the problem the whole sorority was dead. The insulating stuff they use for electronics is not made to be safe when it gets into your water. It does have a distinct odor when it starts to melt like that but the odor is hard to describe. If the odor was at all strong it would drive you from the room, it smells that bad.

unfortunately, we didn't notice any smell.......

But, I did forget to mention that when we did see the tank, for whatever reason the filter was not working (the wheel was not spinning).
My husband did get it restarted. I am wondering if that was off for a good part of the day while we were at work??

This is a long shot but is a remote possibility. Do you have an odd smell coming from the hood of the tank? I lost a complete betta sorority to poisoning when the built in ballast in one of those compact fluorescent bulbs that are supposed to replace incandescents overheated. It melted and released the potting resin in the base of the bulb which of course dripped into the water. By the time I noticed the problem the whole sorority was dead. The insulating stuff they use for electronics is not made to be safe when it gets into your water. It does have a distinct odor when it starts to melt like that but the odor is hard to describe. If the odor was at all strong it would drive you from the room, it smells that bad.

unfortunately, we didn't notice any smell.......

But, I did forget to mention that when we did see the tank, for whatever reason the filter was not working (the wheel was not spinning).
My husband did get it restarted. I am wondering if that was off for a good part of the day while we were at work??

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