albino cories?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2005
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would 4 albino cories be alright in a 15 g tall planted tank with two small keyholes and one or two shrimp? im not sure what kind they are, theyre about 3 inches and the lfs had them on dark blue gravel, so they looked dark blue
I've got nearly 20 in a 30 so yeah, you'll be alright. :) They are a clean, hardy fish and quite passive so they can go with another 5-7 if you want to. They do need smooth gravel or sand though or their barabels might get damaged. Most likely they're aeneus aka bronze cories which are quite common. More common than their normal brethern in fact I think. :)
I've kept a pair of females and a male (different time than the females) with cories and had no problems. The worst you'll get is hoggish bettas eating too much food so keep an eye out for that.
great thanks, i was eyeing up this beautiful white and blue one at the lfs!
everything will be fine, but for the love of god PLEASE remove the keyholes!
they need a 25(preferably 30) gallon tank MINIMUM!

good luck!

well they are both about an inch now, we'll be upgrading to a 55 community when we move the end of the year, you dont think theyd be fine until then?

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