Albino Clawed Frog Not Eating


New Member
Oct 13, 2009
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Okay, so I bought an albino clawed frog from walmart about 4 days ago. they told me he had been eating ghost shrimp and i have tried them and he's not responding and growing thin fast...should i try a small feeder fish to get him eating? Also, are there any downfalls to putting him in a tank with sand on the bottom (i've heard they will injest rocks) and large rocks inside? (it used to be rock in my sw tank until I let the rocks die and I boiled them for awhile) please any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Hi Lil_Frog :)

If your frog isn't eating, go ahead and try some feeder fish. I had frogs that loved them. If you can eventually get him switched over to frog pellets it would be better in the long run, but try to get him to eat something right now. They usually snap at anything that crosses their field of vision so keep that in mind. I learned just where to drop shrimp pellets down to where they will jump up and catch them.

If there is any chance that your rocks might add any salt to the water, don't take a chance. They will swallow small stones so be sure they are large enough to avoid that possibility now or when he gets bigger. An African Clawed Frog will eat a lot and make a lot of waste products so I prefer to use rocks rather than sand. It looks nice and is easy to siphon the dirt out from between them. :D
also, is it okay to stick a frog in a 56 gallon square tank? I bought it 3 years ago and I want Jeramiah to have loads of room.
Hi Lil_Frog :)

As long as he is big enough to reach the top, and the tank has a secure cover, he should be fine in there. However, if you already have fish in the tank, he will eat them if he can. These frogs are not good neighbors for fish.

BTW, I like his name. :thumbs:

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