Albino Bristlenose Plec


Fish Fanatic
Oct 3, 2011
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Hi, my male albino bristlenose plec has been sitting in a covertly in some drift wood for about 3 to 4 days now and haven't come out once, not even to feed.
At first I thought they might be breeding ,but the female has'nt been in there with him at all and is just swimming around the tank ,like she always has.
Is this normal ?
I had a male and female in my 200L. Rarely saw the male but the female was out all the time.
My male bristlenose used to hide all day aswell.
In bristlenoses it is the male who does the guarding, the female doesn't really have anything to do with them once she's laid the eggs, so they could have bred
Thanks for the replys , I hope that I do get some baby's ,but I think I've properly just got a lazy male bristlenose.
The male is still in his cave in the drift wood and he is faning constantly and has been for a week now.
The hole is deep and he is in there so I can't see any eggs.

Do the males only fan when there are eggs in the cave or would they fan if they are just in there relaxing ?
there were eggs and they hatched , i put them in a differnet tank and they are fine in fact since my last post in september the adults have had another two lots of babys
 and the male is in there faning more eggs right now.
Wow that's pretty impressive :)
I currently have a full grown male and a juvi of unknown gender in my tank (Hopefully a female ;)
I may have to come to you for advice on breeding lol

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