Albino Bristlenose Lies On Back?


Fish Crazy
Sep 10, 2008
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York, UK
I have an albino bristlenose in my 180 litre Juwel Rio tank, it's probably about 1.5 - 2 inches max, just starting to get a few bristles.

I've noticed once before and my son just pointed out to me now that the bristlenose was lying on its back under the bogwood. The time I saw this before it was lying on its back between two pieces of slate (I have three pieces of slate, sort of on top of each other and across to lean on the bogwood, for the swim to fish through.

When my son pointed him out, I opened the lid of the tank and put my hand in and as soon as I got close he "attached" himself to the bogwood again with his mouth and carried on as normal!

He honestly looked as if he was dead, laid like that. I couldn't see his gills clearly because of the way he was laid, but presume he was OK as he has done this before (probably a month ago now) and has been fine since, as far as I have seen.

Is this normal behaviour for a bristlenose, or should I be worried?
Hi wilchil64 :)

My male does this too, but I've never seen the female that way. In all other ways he seems perfectly healthy and normal. I'd be interested in learning more about this behavior too. :D
Hi wilchil64 :)

My male does this too, but I've never seen the female that way. In all other ways he seems perfectly healthy and normal. I'd be interested in learning more about this behavior too. :D


how long has your bristlenose been doing this?

I'm not sure if my bristlenose is male or female, it's quite young still.
Hi wilchil64 :)

I've only seen it doing this for a month or two. Once it started I seem to be seeing this behavior more and more frequently. It still startles me when I find him like this.

He's definitely a male (but a young one) and his whiskers are only about 1/4" long. I also have two brown males that are near his age and one that is mature and spawning. I've never seen the others (or the females) doing this at all.

I hope some of the other members will help us out here. :D
Mine do that too, if they are doing it under a hideout then you need not worry. If its out in the open then you do.
Mine do that too, if they are doing it under a hideout then you need not worry. If its out in the open then you do.

Yes, both times I've seen him doing it, he's been under a hide away. How strange! Is he resting then? It's quite frightening, I honestly thought he was dead!
I've seen my bristlenose do this often, never really paid attention as far as male/female, as I always considered it pretty much normal behavior. They do seem to like wedging into tight spaces, if that space is more comfortable upside down, I guess they're happy.
dont worry this is usually do to not getting enough water in there gills

Well, that's alarming. :eek:

The pleco I'm referring to lives in a very well oxygenated corydoras tank. Is this a physical problem? Will it get worse? Please give me more information about this.
i think they do it when ther asleep they lose there grip its nothing to worry about when there under cover it but the idea that they are relaxing in that position isn't verry credible because they are open to atack in that position as there un armoured bellies are on show wich in a natural enviroment would reduce there chance of survival in a aquarium it isnt a big issue
My L134's do this as well.... also in a very well aerated tank.....

Furst time I spotted them doing it, I had to poke them to make sure they weren't dead! lol ;) adult male bristlenose does this on a regular basis....Its almost like he is asleep and then as soon as he sees my face looking in he perks up and attaches himself to something!
Thanks for all the replies, I feel quite relieved that he's OK and it's normal behaviour.

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