Albino And Sterbai


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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I'm interested in getting a few cories.

If I got one sterbai and two albino's, would the sterbai feel left out? I don't know if other cories hang out together.

Any help appreciated :)
it's always best to keep cories in groups of their own species so a group of emerald cories will stay together and they might stay with albino cories which are the same species but if their not the same species they usually don't stay together.

so i would up the numbers of both species if i was you.

It would depend on if you could get hold of albino sterbais, but to be honest, we have some cories that are sole examples of their species in our home, and they still swim with the others :)
At the moment, Zero, the albino corey I rescued, is quite happy hanging with the pepper cories in the 30 gallon. Frankly I think he's happy just to be alive and not chewed on any longer! :lol: If he started looking all isolated and alone, like say a single glowlight would, then I'd find him some buds but right now he reminds me of nothing so much as an excited puppy, continually wagging his tail. :D

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