Albino And Bronze Cories


Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Luton, Britain
My 2 bronze cories hang out together. But my 1 albino cory doesnt hang out with them.

The albino is a little smaller than the bronzes and i have had them for about 2 days.

The albino just swims around madly all day playing with stuff.

Is it Ok that he's on his own? Because i thought he would school with the bronzes as theyre the same species?

This is what I was trying to say in another post when someone asked if the Bronze and Albino C. Aeneus would school together. At one time, I had 4 Albino's and 4 Bronze and they formed their own schools. They would come together some, but not often. They would even sleep in the same area of the tank, but still went off in their own schools. I still think, even though they are the same species, the Bronze like to be in groups of Bronze and the Albinos like to be in groups of Albinos and this is from my experience with them.
Hmmm, i would need to give someone the albino cory, and get a bronze instesd!

I just have to find someone now.
I have 4 Bronze and 2 Albino Corys and there always together now and agian though the Albinos go off by themselves not often though :)
IME, cories school with cories that have the same color/pattern as them - they don't bother with body shapes or species :p I've had c. shwartzi and c. leucomelas school as if they were the same species but they'd stay away from (by which I mean didn't school with) c. aenus or c. paleatus - and these two species also didn't school with each other.

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