Alaska help


Mar 23, 2004
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anchorage, alaska
I'm looking for someone in the Anchorage area- I wanted to find out what the best LFS is in the area, if there are any local breeders, and the best place to get equipment
Hey It's just fisshie jessie and I and now you
I haven't been to the new one in dimond center It usedto be bad but the new owner may have changed things.
A few blocks north (on the other side of the Walmart and chrystler dealership) there is a LPS house of critters and they are rather good I got my endlers there.
Also about 1.5 miles away on the southbound frontage road south of dimond there is the petfood warehouse they have alot of pet stuff but there freshwater fish aren't very good (Althought they have the best Bettas in town).
Then at 219 E International there is a place (animal house I believe) That used to be in the University center and they tend to have more exotic fish than anywhere else but are very cramped.

Aside from that ancorage seems to be in a power vacume as far as fish stores go. Although I hear that on muldoon somewhere there is a veteranary office/petshop and unfortunatly the walmarts are still selling fish (dont shop at walmart please) Those are really the 4 best options.


I've checked out the main three and haven't decided which I like the best (although animal food warehouse is not it). I'll have to see what the new one in the dimond center is like. I didn't know if there was some small fish only store I hadn't heard about. If you or someone you know wants any mollies let me know, I've got about 25 fry that I'll have to give away when they get a little bigger. good to know there's someone else in town on this.
Hi fellas, I think that Woody is also in your area... Haven't seen him post in a few weeks but I believe that he's in Anchorage. How's your break-up going? The temps here are finally in the positive and within 1 week I'm at the halfway point. I even have some bare ground in the horse arena. :D

thanks for thinking of me opcn ;) . i really dont have anything to add that wasnt already said except that I WOULD LOVE BABY MOLLIES!!! and the new dimond center store isnt too great, but it still has room too improve since it just opened. glad to see you in the fish biz :D
Alaska- break-up's going pretty well, I can see my driveway for the first time (I just moved to a new place in Jan, so I've never seen it w/o snow).

fishyjessie- I'll let you know when my mollies get a little bigger (they're just a week now). no colors have developed yet
The roads are mostly clear and the creecks have been swelling. I was getting ready to dig out my bike so I could go for a bike ride on our trail system (one of the top 5 recreational trail systems in the cities of North America) and I broke my foot. now I'm stuck inside till our wheel chare thaws out of the snow (yes we have one and no I dont know why)

I've never actualy talked to woody so I can't say about him.

Oh and do any of you know anyone in the Anc area who has a koi pond? Or any pond at all? I think that someone has one down at the bottom of west chester lagoon but Ive never seen the people who live there.

thanks, so do I. Not to hijack or anything but Do either of you know what streams have greyling in them? (yes I know it was a deliberate hijack)


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