Al The Albino


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK
Hello there, I am doubtful that anything can be done but its worth a try. Over the past week Al my albino cory has been very withdrawn. His little fins are down which makes him look so sad. His breathing seems fine, at times can be eratic but it calms down again. I'm guessing he must be eating as he's still around. He's such a lovely little fellow. I bought some friends for him today as i thought he may be lonely and just need perking up. He was already in with one peppered cory. There used to be more but alas his other friends passed away. I've left it a good while before i introduced any newbies. He may just be grieving i guess, he was close to one of them. We'll see if this new company does anything.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience?

Many Thanks my friends x
Going to have to ask lots of questions, but I am getting ready for bed. If no one else helps I will be back. Sorry about your losses.

Sad and lonely id possible, but the losses suggest that something else needs to be addressed. Cories are incredibly hardy for the most part. Try to put together the information you can think of that might be relative,=: tank maitenance schedule, tank size, and inhabitants, water stats, tank maintenence routine, length of time tank has been running, etc etc etc
Well I was told on here that fish dont have emotions like us, and cant grieve...

But sometimes I find that hard to believe because I have had fish die and their partner looks like it has become withdrawn and grieved too.

Give him time, he will suss out his new friends and will make friends with them soon.
I don't know who told you they don't have feelings, Riannon, but some fish absolutely are hardwired for attachments. They go by base instincts and hardwiring. They don't reason and figure it out like we do--worry about heaven and hell and what will be tomorrow--but they "feel," and one thing many can feel is loss. In some cases --they will "fail to thrive." And unless you figure out why, you lose them.

Still I am waiting to see what some of the answers to the questions were, so we can figure out why your Cories are dying. The most common cause (other than the obvious of water quality) for Cory problems are fungal infections (water quality) and bacterial infection (fouled substrate.) Cories live on the bottom so the substrate must be kept clean by vaccuming it if it is possible that detrius or food has gotten lodged in the substrate somehow. One reason a Cory's immune system can fail is stress from threatening tank mates and conditions. It is easier for both of us if you give us the information on the tank than if we suggest possible problems which then are then refuted as not applying.
Many thanks for your replies.

I do water changes every week, along with vacuuming the gravel. The stats are fine as can be, tested em yesterday, nitrate and nitrite and ammonia at nil and ph has always been rather high ever since i've had the fishies and remains to be at about 8.

Its a 96 litre jewel rekord tank with plants and a gravel substrate. Inhabitants consist of 5 other corys now, 2 gouramis, 1 red finned shark, 5 panchax, 1 plecy. My panchax recently had babies but they have been put in a seperate tank now. All get on fine as far as i have ever seen unless they've got some sneaky thing going on that i dont know about! This tank has been running since November, which is when i got the new tank. Before i had a smaller tank and i transferred the gravel and ornaments from that to the new tank so cycling was speedy. I've had my albino cory since August time when he was a baby.

I'm pretty sure the deaths that occured to my dear corys were due to a power cut in the middle of the night, it was the day after it when my bronze cory, Watson, took a turn for the worst and then so did my other cory, Wibble, who i had to euthanise around Christmas which was an awful thing to do and i shall never do it again as it was so upsetting. I treated the tank during this time of illness with an internal bacterial meds but alas it didnt help.

When i put the new corys in last night it was lovely to see them all foraging around, a delight in fact. Really sets the tank off and makes it more cheery. When they do stop and take a breather they all group together, its proper nice to see. Al ( the albino) is still around. Still a bit odd in behaviour but i'm pretty sure he likes his friends. They can't get enough of him thats for sure. Been gathered around him for ages.

Anyway i think this is all the info i can give. I've just put some revitiliser tonic in to see if that perks him up.

peace out x

Going to have to ask lots of questions, but I am getting ready for bed. If no one else helps I will be back. Sorry about your losses.

Sad and lonely id possible, but the losses suggest that something else needs to be addressed. Cories are incredibly hardy for the most part. Try to put together the information you can think of that might be relative,=: tank maitenance schedule, tank size, and inhabitants, water stats, tank maintenence routine, length of time tank has been running, etc etc etc
I agree with Riannon, he will perk up with the new friends. It can take Cories a bit to emotionally recover from a stress event: Cory PTSD.

I'm sorry about the losses. After I moved, all my Cories made it fine (lost some Tetras), but I wasn't use to the faucet. The hot water has a way of shutting off when it heats up that I didn't know. I was doing a water change in mid winter with newly delivered fish. The armatus were delicate and some died when the water went cold suddenly. I was livid :shout: :angry: :grr:

Thanks for being patient with me and sharing. :D
I hope you're right, i'll just have to wait and see. Even considering getting a few more corys since they are so lovely and sociable.

Its horrible when u lose fish, i feel like ive failed when it happens. But it does happen, all i can do is my best and to see them happy makes me happy:)

Thank you for posting:)


I agree with Riannon, he will perk up with the new friends. It can take Cories a bit to emotionally recover from a stress event: Cory PTSD.

I'm sorry about the losses. After I moved, all my Cories made it fine (lost some Tetras), but I wasn't use to the faucet. The hot water has a way of shutting off when it heats up that I didn't know. I was doing a water change in mid winter with newly delivered fish. The armatus were delicate and some died when the water went cold suddenly. I was livid :shout: :angry: :grr:

Thanks for being patient with me and sharing. :D
PTSD=Post Tramatic Stress Disorder=an emotional break from enduring a trauma like war or disasters or abandonment, etc.

So Cory PTSD=Cory Post Tramatic Stress Disorder.


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