Ak77's Nano Journal

lol. Well you could sell the body putting the cash towards a digital SLR and use the lenses with an adapter in manual mode.

Its a pity you didn't have any prime lenses like the SMC Pentax 50mm 1.4. That's a decent lens and routinely goes for around £50-£80. The lens I took the pictures of the clown with is a Chinon 1.4 which I paid about £45 for.
So, what would the pentax A 1:4. 5.6 35:80 be worth then - he will probably sell it all as a package

Seffie x
So, what would the pentax A 1:4. 5.6 35:80 be worth then - he will probably sell it all as a package

Seffie x

Probably a curry for two lol. Around about £20 I would guess. I've seen them for £20-£35 B-I-N on ebay. People prefer the prime lenses. That lens is also not particularly fast for its focal length, which is fine for portraits/landscapes/still life, but not so great for indoor or moving subjects.
I was watching that exact same lens on eBay the other day Seffie and it went for £15 lol.

Rather than have the weight of the light on the tank and building a support for it out of acrylic, I decided instead to wall mount it and will construct a canopy around the tank / light that way. It wasn't until I'd finished bolting the bloody thing to the wall when I realized I'd put the bracket on upside down, so the light was too near the tank :X. I reversed the bracket today and now have ample clearance over the tank and can position the light with ease.


Just a quick update.

I got a leather toadstool coral last week. It sulked for a few days and molted its skin before perking up over the past few days. Since adding the metal halide above the tank, the ocean rock has coloured up nicely and now blends in with the live rock. It already has some coraline algae spreading across it in a number of places, which is a good sign that since doing two large water changes a couple of weeks ago, and adding a breeze block sized clump of chaeto, the nitrates and phosphates are at an acceptable level.



Clown fish yawning lol


That is a sterling looking tank, how is the design for the canopy going?
That is a great photo of the clown yawning - how about if we start a Captions thread of the week, this photo would be a great starter:

Clown one is saying to clown two 'am I boring you'?

What do you think guys?

Seffie x

AK, would you start one or can I just use your photo and start one?
That is a sterling looking tank, how is the design for the canopy going?

Thanks mate! I haven't yet gotten around to designing and making a canopy for the tank. I think its essentially going to be a box with a cut out section in the back so that the light can fit through, with a hinged lid on top. I'm inclined to do it now, as last night I spotted my nephew had dumped about 2 weeks worth of pellet food into the tank! I had to syphon them out, just leaving a few in there for the hermits to have a munch on.

That is a great photo of the clown yawning - how about if we start a Captions thread of the week, this photo would be a great starter:

Clown one is saying to clown two 'am I boring you'?

What do you think guys?

Seffie x

AK, would you start one or can I just use your photo and start one?

Hi Seffie. I don't mind if you use the photo to start a captions thread. Pictures are on here for all to see / use :good:

Yeah, very nice clowns you have...brill pics too.

Cheers Ben. Yeah, I was glad I chose the misbar in the shop all those months ago. The marking really stood out from all the rest.. and I'm all about the eye candy in my tank lol. The reason why the pictures came out so nicely is I have a new toy ;)

My Dad bought me a brand new Nikon D90 with 18-105mm VR lens. £800 from Jessops :crazy:! Although the Olympus E-510 is a good camera, the Nikon D90 is just in a different league all together. Awesome bit of kit! I was trying out some of my Dad's lenses on the D90, when I went round his house on Saturday. One lens he has (Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 VR) costs £1700 alone! Below is a picture I found of that lens mounted on the camera body. He also has a the 105mm f/2.8G AF-S VR Micro - £600 worth of auto focussing macro lens. I was drooooooooooling!! lol

can i just ask a quick question
the plastic you used for the fake wall what type was it and also did you paint the back wall or was the plastic already black?
I'll pester him to put photos up tomorrow, he's got some nice new additions to his tank now, won't spoil the suprise :hey:

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