Air pump


Fish Crazy
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
As the topic title suggests really, does anyone know any tips for reducing the amount of noise that air pumps make?

There are so many things that affect the noise level of a pump. The main one usually being the thing inside that pumps the belows. If there is no damping of the action of the arm inside the pump, then it will vibrate. It will also vibrate if the action is unbalanced. If it is noisy as standard, then short of standing it on a half inch thick latex mat, and making sure the pipes don't touch anything, then it will always be noisy. Oh, and I have also found that the finer the airstone, and so the bubbles, means less noise when the bubbles leave the stone and break the surface. The only downfall being that they clog a bit quicker...... :blink:

There is only one type of pump that has gained any notoriety for being quiet, and that is the 'Hy-flo'. This is a reciprocating piston pump, and is apparantly many times quieter in operation, I have however, never had the pleasure of hearing one. I may be mis-informed on that one.... :blink: feel free to correct me.

I have a marina 50 and a rena 50

the marina makes so much noise it's incredible.
The rena is so silent i don't even know it's running most of the time. I can only hear the bubbles in the water.

these are the only two i have tested though so i can't say for the rest

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