air pump silencer


Jun 16, 2003
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I have a little DIY air pump silencer...

If your air pump is a little noisy, sounding very "vibratey", try this...

Take a small size bungy cord, wrap it around the pump as many times as you can get it to wrap, tight as you can, and just hook the two end together. It will squeeze the pump and limit any excess vibration, and cuts the noise down to practically nothing.

- kip
OR i wrapped mine in bubble warp, put a few rubberbands tightly around it. Does the same as the bungee but also limits the vibration onto the surface its sitting on.

Good thinking skiltrip.
Had an idea....make a box for it and fill it with stuffing. :lol:
you want to make sure the stuffing isn't insulating it though. i'd imagine it could overheat if you do. and if it's only in a box, you'll still hear it's own vibration.

- kip
all of those ideas are great, but all may also put unnecessary stress on the pump and cause it to overheat and not last as long as it should. an easy way to solve your problem is to put some netting or bungee cords or anything across your aquarium stand and attach the pump in the middle. it wont cause the pump to overheat and the netting or cords dampens the vibrationd quite well...
haha, my 10gal is on a shelf on my desk, a little higher than most. i had a problem with the pump vibrating "creep" and it kept falling off my desk. i realised after a while that when its just hanging there it doesnt make any noise... so i left it there! its a little complicated to explain how its not hanging on the tubing but the power cord so it doesnt pull on the aereator... also my sensei has a tank in our dojo and he just cut a 5x5 piece of the foam matting and put it under the pump and it doesnt make any noise, if you have something like this lying around it would be alot less complicated than wrapping it and stuff :/
I put my pump on a polystyrene tile and covered it in a large cloth nappy (diaper). Sorry it's not very technological! :*)
whichever way you go, don't overwrap the pump, as it needs to suck the fresh air it is pumping into it's membrane. If the pump has to work to get the air in, plus the pumping, it'll shurely overheat!
I have my pump sitting on a folded up wash cloth...that worked well.

Thats exactly what I use! But my pump is the most quietest pumps even without the cloth, so the cloth makes it super silent!
Makes sense but then I don't think that I've ever been put in the same sentence as sence! Also it can be quite a lot of fun designing ways around problems (no matter how silly they look). Thing is whats the point in throwing away a perfectly good pump when you can bring out your creative side and make something which may just about work, look absolutely awful, but gives me valuable time in shed away from any moaning or chores which seem to be piled on me whenever I sit down :p :hyper:

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