Fish Gatherer
I have my tank in the same room I sleep in. I know you can't use spray ones in the same room as the tank but would I be able to use one of the smelly jelly things or the plug in ones? Obviously this still creates something in the air so was worried it might still be able to get into the tank.
Also what about candles? I quite like having candles going so do these also get into the tank?
I have a dog and she can get a bit smelly at times haha! Even worse is when my BF orders pizza, it stinks the place out
Thanks sorry its a random question!
its a good question - if you do a search on common ingrediants in plug ins, air fresheners, candle etc (sad, but I just did) you may well be very surprised some of these candles, plug ins, have ammonia, nitrItes, chlorine etc, so if they are wafting into the air and your skimmer etc is sucking them in..........
I will check it out when I get home! So really I cant use anything then? I use sprays in the main house so nothing in our part! Hate to think about smoking in the same room as a tank!!!
I best stop wearing Lynx too then.
Pretty strong stuff apparently - still awaiting those fallen angels mind....
You'll be waiting a while Might need to try 2 or 3 of them haha!