Air Flow


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2010
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
I have a 55G tank. 48"x12"x18" or 14"x16" or something close to that. How much airflow is too much airflow for the tank? I have two pumps running in there right now. I was planning on getting rid of the undergravel filter now as I have live plants and I never used it the way it was meant to be used. Came with the tank already installed though and never needed to take it out. So can you put too much flow in a tank?
I don't really think you can put too much flow in a tank unless the fish that is in it can't actually control where they want to swim and are just being dragged around by the current. But a lot of flow can be great for certain species.
Dylan :)
Thanks. I never seen any of them struggling so I didn't figure it was a problem. Now I am wondering if I decrease the flow if more CO2 made by the fish would be better for my plants. I don't taking one of the pumps away will increase the CO2 left in the tank though as there would still be the HOB filter and at least one pump running to help with flow in the tank.
Hmmmm, I would experiment a bit and see what works. If the plants are fine with all pumps then I would leave them but if they seem stunted or another negative impact then I would take one off and see how that goes. I think it's more about finding a balance.
Dylan :)
I could try that and see if it changes anything. The plants all grow very slowly but then again a 35W T8 bulb on a 55G tank is no where near lighting requirements for plants. However some of the higher light plants are hanging in there and showing new growth.

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