Air Bubbles On Fish?


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2010
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I've noticed lately that some of my guppies have tiny air bubbles on their lips and sticking to their bodies. It wouldn't concern me expect I first noticed it on a new guppy that did not survive 24 hours after bringing him home, and this is the first new fish I've lost. So now I'm wondering if that wasn't a sign of something and if he gave it to the others.

Does this mean anything at all?
Are they defiantly air bubbles? or could they of been mistaken for Ich (white spot)?

No, I'm unfortunately (very) familiar with ICH at this point. These are clear and only along the perimeter of the body. I would take pictures, but my camera isn't good enough to show it. They're also very small.
Are they defiantly air bubbles? or could they of been mistaken for Ich (white spot)?

No, I'm unfortunately (very) familiar with ICH at this point. These are clear and only along the perimeter of the body. I would take pictures, but my camera isn't good enough to show it. They're also very small.

I would have guessed ich also.

Does your filter create tiny bubbles? Do you have an air pump?

If you have lots of tiny bubbles in the tank then maybe they're sticking to the fish, doesn't sound particularly likely but they do stick to my glass occasionally
Or did you do a water change the same day? I often get bubbles on my fish after a water change due to tiny bubbles being in the water from the hot tap ?!? Are they there all the time? How long for?
Or did you do a water change the same day? I often get bubbles on my fish after a water change due to tiny bubbles being in the water from the hot tap ?!? Are they there all the time? How long for?

I've noticed them now for two days, but they aren't constant- they changed positions. The weird part is this doesn't affect all the fish- only two out of the ten at the moment. My filters does make small bubbles, and I do have a bubble wand as well.

I'm wondering if those two fish could have something wrong with their slime coat, and that's why the bubbles are 'sticking'? My last water change was three days ago.

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