Aiptasia Question


Fish Addict
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
North Wales
Does aiptasia flouresce under actinic lighting?

I have some aiptasia looking things on my live rock, can't tell if it is because its still quite small, but it glows green around the edges??? Luckily for me I don't have any definate aiptasia in the tank to compare it to... -_-
Sometimes if you have really good purple in your actinic they will. The more brightly colored (yet still bad pest) known as mojano anemones will flouresce much more brightly and more readily
Hmmmmm........... :/ they look so pretty!

They don't have the long tentacles like the other aipatasia I've battled.

Oh well...Time for the poison to come back out. Thank the lord for my hospital tank!

Also I seem to have a baby aip on the side of my clam which looks like it may be stinging it's mantle. It is WAY too small to inject and I'm assuming carefully squirting the poison at it is not going to do my beloved clam any good.... any suggestions???
Also I seem to have a baby aip on the side of my clam which looks like it may be stinging it's mantle. It is WAY too small to inject and I'm assuming carefully squirting the poison at it is not going to do my beloved clam any good.... any suggestions???

Please please guys...any suggestions?? My clam is definately getting stung but I don't want to poison it!! :crazy: :crazy:
What type of Clam is it?

Some will suvive out of water for a short while, take the clam out and scrape the shell with a knife blade wipe down with some old tank water in a bucket then place back in the tank

This should rid you of the pets!
It is a Derasa Clam. I will try this tonight. I'm assuming i'll have a clear view of the aip once the clam has closed.

Thankyou :good:
Yeah I would try matts method. Be quick about it, but the clam should be ok for a little while out of the water.

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