Aiptasia (glass Anemone)


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Pana, IL USA
Hey folks,

I have two reef tanks with lots of coral. Both of them are suffering from a infestation of Aiptasia (glass anemone).

I have to date:

Use Elimi-Aiptas 50mL (Tropic Marin)- Useless!
Filled ther tank with pep. shrimp- Didn't even nibble!
Got the nudi's that eat them. (They came very small and I never saw them again.)
Injected the things with hot water.

They are still alive!

What can I do that I haven't done?

I have used pep shrimp in the past and they destroyed the Aiptasia, but not this time!

Well I heard an interesting way of removing them. . .

Cover them with algea and they'll try to push their way out and basically remove themselves from the rock. And then you can just pop them out.

Or you can use Joe Juice.
wont vinegar adjust the alkalinaty of the water?
If your worried about lowering the ALK just rasie it over a few days, use the viniger the the high ALK should counter the acid. This would work. Or if your not happy with this then just do A large water change after.
i know that this may have been a fluke for me. But the two small aptasias i had in my ten gallon, I sucked out with a turkey bastor. Worth a shot, not like it could make things worse for you.
Copper banded butterfly.

IF you can find an lfs that has one, and is willing to buy it back from you for a small loss on your part.

i have the same problem with aiptasias i have hundreds, it is really getting me down they are destroying all my corals and are just making my aqurium look very unkempt, starting to lose faith in marine keeping!

i have tried all the things mentioned so far and none have been touched i a have also tryed lemon juice.

but still no good, does any one recommend taking out the live rock and if so what kind of process should i go through

i am desperate for any ideas, 'cos i can't bare the aiptasia any longer

i have the same problem with aiptasias i have hundreds, it is really getting me down they are destroying all my corals and are just making my aqurium look very unkempt, starting to lose faith in marine keeping!

i have tried all the things mentioned so far and none have been touched i a have also tryed lemon juice.

but still no good, does any one recommend taking out the live rock and if so what kind of process should i go through

i am desperate for any ideas, 'cos i can't bare the aiptasia any longer


Have you tried Kent Marine Aiptasia Away, this product is apparently very good

Peppermint shrimps will only work if they arnt getting any other food ie fish food

You could also try milliputting over the Aip itself or feeding the Aip Kalk paste

Alternativly you could remove each infected rock & manually remove/kill the nem with heat - naked flame, soldering torch etc
going to uae aiptasia away every day to see if i can keep on top of problem also bought 2 x giant peppermint shrimp i hope they are hungry for aiptasia
I also got 2 peppermint shrimp to get rid of my aiptasia. They never even looked at it. I got it killed by injecting it with kalkwasser :good:


he eat mine (one large and a few small) the first night he was in there!

anyone want to rent him - I charge very competitive rates... :p

I think he has also has eaten some zoos recently - well I don't think it would be the clowns!

...not touched the GSP or leather.

out of interest anyone ever kept one of these before?



For what it's worth I had a very similar situation, but I sorted it out, and now have just one large bugger which I keep for decorative purposes!

I tried peppermint shrimp but they were utterly useless. I guess if you starve them of any other food they might get stuck in, but they were more interested in the fish food.

So, Joe's Juice - very good, and instant too. Just make sure it's mixed up properly (shaken well), turn off your powerheads and squeeze directly into the head of the anenome. I killed off 90 per cent of my infestation in one fell swoop.

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