Ailing Swordtail

Happy Fish

New Member
Mar 25, 2003
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I have a 28 gallon community tank with a couple swordtails, neon tetras, harlequins, a beta, etc.

The pineapple swordtail, who's about 4 inches long and 18 months old, is not doing well. Recently he has become "bent", has lost color, and is getting thin on the back half of his body. Someone mentioned that using pure RO water deprives fish of necessary minerals and may be part of the cause. He is bent - both from front to back and from side to side.

Also - another person said he has scoliosis (sp?) like an old person losing bone mass. He was not bent in the least until the last few weeks. Also he was a fantastic swimmer (up, down, backwards! and chasing the other smaller swordtail) and now is lethargic. Did I mention he's bent?

I'd like to help the poor guy out if I can. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Has anyone heard of "RO Correct" a product that's supposed to add minerals back to the water?

Last question: what is the oldest swordtail anyone here knows of? Is 18 months a normal life expectancy? Anyone know about the life span of male betas?

Thanks for any help provided.

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