Ahoy's 18g Nano Adventure!

Nice start to your journel = well done :good:

Aquascape also looks nice, except for what looks like a large shell on the bottom - i haven't got my glasses on so may be mistaken :crazy: and a plasitc plant if I am not seeing things!

You are right, you will need RO water to keep corals and to be honest the sooner the better really as you do not want to add any extra phosphates etc which might be in your tap water :good: and as you say you already have a coral in there, what is the coral?

When your tank has cycled you will do a 50% water change :good:

As Ben says the last picture looks like a lps skeleton

Seffie x

I've never been overly fond of Hex tanks but this one looks really nice. :good:

With the RO water if you are planning on getting corals you it is best to use it in your salt mix from the start. I would say after you have finished the cycle do a large 50-60% water change using RO saltmix.

I doubt you will be able to keep any corals under them LED's I'm afraid. You can use LED's for a reef tank but they are specilist high power ones. As they cost about £5 per LED its likely that the LED light you have is just using standard white LED's which wont provide enough (or the right kind) of light for coral growth. For a cheap option I would look at Power Compacts (might be the only option given the tank shape other than a MH which is expensive).

Looking forward to watching this progress :)
Lol, can you imagine a hermit that big - think i might have nightmeres about that one tonight :crazy:

No, there is no reason why you shouldn't keep the shell - as you say, it is just not to my taste :good:

Your readings are fine, I would have expected to see an ammonia reading, but looks like your tank is cycling :good:

Your nitrites will decrease and the nitrates increase - when this happens do a 50% water change and then test again in a couple of days

Looking good

Seffie x

Well tank is fully cycled and I had a good 50% water change this morning with RO water. Everything is running stable apart from the lights can sometimes increase the temperature a bit so I have to keep an eye on that!

Popped down to the lfs and got myself two turbo snails and a young skunk cleaner shrimp.
I sat them on top of the water in their bag then made a tiny slit in the bag to let some tank water in every 15 mins or so, took about 2 hours or so to get them used to the water.
Snails settled in fine and I was surprised to have a look at the tank an hour later and one of them had made it's way right to the top of one of the rocks (I thought snails are supposed to be slow!). Couldn't find the cleaner shrimp for a good 5 hours! He's found a good little den to hide in a large hole in the live rock, some sort of hollow area. I added in a tiny amount of frozen mysis about 2 hours ago and within seconds of putting it in the water, out comes the shrimp gobbling it all up! Seems like they're settled in fine, just hope all my water levels stay stable for now so I think it's best if I keep to fish only (even though I apparently have coral on the LR). I can't help but think I'm going to do something wrong even though I seem to be religiously reading up on what to do!

You do mean that you added tank water to the bag don't you, just it reads like you added a slit to the bag so the bag water and tank water mixed :crazy: I'm sure (i hope) you didn't add the bag water to the tank, did you?

Seffie x


ps it's exciting isn't it :kana:
Its amazing how interesting hermit crabs can be when there's nothing else in the tank :p
Looking good so far.

I've always been a fan of hex tanks, hoping to get one with some seahorses in the near future :shifty:
The damsel will probably be an issue later on once its bigger to be honest. However I would agree that added them both at the same time while young may help with this.

Yes that is a shrimp molt, you can leave it in there, something will end up eating it and it wont do any harm :)

When adding new livestock it is always a good idea to turn the lights off on the tank and leave them off for at least a couple of hours. The reason for this is that it is less stressful for the fish which will already be stressed from the moving.

Watchman gobies are cool :)
Invertebrates molt their entire body. Sometimes its hard to tell them from the actual thing! Hermit crabs in particular are tough to distinguish between dead hermit and molt. Don't worry about the molts, just leave them in the tank.

Can't wait for some pictures!

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