Ahhhhhhhhhh Help Ah!


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
:rofl: my LFS sold more 4 corry cats under the name of "julii corys" I've been given sites from some people on this site and I've come to a conclusion... my first cory that I bought was actually a Julii and was sold under peppered... and out of the 4 corrys I just bought, 3 are peppered and 1 is a Julii :lol: so now, just when I thought I had the right amount and only had to buy 3 peppered turns out I need to get 1 peppered and 2 more Juliis except Juliis are rare, that was my first time seeing them and they only had 4 left WHICH I BOUGHT! AHHHHHHHH WHAT SHOULD I DO?!!! Should I just stick with the 2 juliis, get 1 more peppered to make it 4, then get another variety of corries??? or should I just get the 1 more peppered cory and forget it?
Wait and see how the cories group together and get along... they might be fine the way they are.
my corries only group with the same species... My 3 peppered are together and the 2 juliis are together too! I'm worried that once my peppered get bigger they'll over throw my juliis and hurt them :(
my corries only group with the same species... My 3 peppered are together and the 2 juliis are together too! I'm worried that once my peppered get bigger they'll over throw my juliis and hurt them :(

Since you've owned cory's before, you should know that they are a very peaceful fish. They won't be "over-throwing" or "hurting" anyone. Lots of people keep several different species of cory's together and no one seems to have any problems. Im sure your "Julii's" will be just fine. If you are that worried about it, go and get a few more or rehome the juliis or the peppers.
ok fair enough :lol: I know they won't hurt eachother :D but I just looked several more times and compaired them to pictures on the net, 1 of them is a julii, 1 of thems a peppered and the other 3 are spotted... so I'm guessing I should get more jullis (atleast 2) and more peppered (atleast 2 aswell) that'll work out right??

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