Fish Crazy
my LFS sold more 4 corry cats under the name of "julii corys" I've been given sites from some people on this site and I've come to a conclusion... my first cory that I bought was actually a Julii and was sold under peppered... and out of the 4 corrys I just bought, 3 are peppered and 1 is a Julii so now, just when I thought I had the right amount and only had to buy 3 peppered turns out I need to get 1 peppered and 2 more Juliis except Juliis are rare, that was my first time seeing them and they only had 4 left WHICH I BOUGHT! AHHHHHHHH WHAT SHOULD I DO?!!! Should I just stick with the 2 juliis, get 1 more peppered to make it 4, then get another variety of corries??? or should I just get the 1 more peppered cory and forget it?