Well out of the batch of seven i manage to get one to survive and then i put him into the main tank with anotherone and they are both happy. With my warrenty i had gotten two corys but now there sick and dieing. They have like cotten stuff on then. I am treatin them but there not gettin better.
canarsie11 said:
David said:
Neons and cardinals are usually just weak fish. That's all there is to it. I bought 6 cardinals some time ago and they all died within 2 days. My discus, on the other hand, which some consider a sensitive fish, is thriving. Hmpf. Go figure.
Your discus has hazy eye and has had the ick, both under a months time that is not thriving. :( :blink:
It's thriving now :D No need to start an argument over nothing, okay? I am tired of always arguing on this board, so I have decided to swear off it for good. Besides, the ick was just a couple of spots on it's fins, and the hazy eye in now way negatively affected it's health as far as I can tell. It was still eating fine and swimming around actively.
I used to think that neon is hard to keep because they kept dying in my tank. Yes they are inherently weak and need stable slightly acidic water condition. But most importantly, they and most other small fishes need to be acclimatized properly for temparature and water condition. Put the unopen fish bag into the tank for about 20 minutes, then open the bag while still floating in the tank and start introducing the water tank into the bag for the next 20 minutes.
Other thing I learnt is that they are best not be handled by hands or be out of water even briefly, use large spoon to transfer them one by one.
Ok where gettin just a little off topic. Why dont you guys kiss and make up :wub: Anyways i had the tank running for a week. Then i moved my betta and neon into it. Two weeks later i took the water out of the 20 gallon and put it into a Quaritine tank. Thats when they all die but one. :-(
Wow, what stubbornness. Anyways!

i had the tank running for a week. Then i moved my betta and neon into it. Two weeks later i took the water out of the 20 gallon and put it into a Quaritine tank. Thats when they all die but one.
OK... are you saying that the tank wasn't cycled when you added the neons? If so, that's probably the problem, they are very sensitive to water parameter fluctuation and need a stable, established tank.
i have only been keeping neons for a month or two and I may be wrong but I think that since they are such sensitive fish that ph fluctuation is the culprit (only in a well established tank). I always make sure when doing water changes in a small tank like 10g that the ph is exactly the same and then I add the water at a slower rate then in my 29g (which is more forgiving). i've lost two neons only because of ick the second day I got them and I believe it came on because of the ph difference btwn my house and the LFS (even though I acclimate them for a good hour).
I had the tank runnig for a week then iput My betta and the priginal neon into the 20 from the 10 that they were in. Two weeks later i took the water from the 20 and put it in the quarintine tank. Then i got the neons and putthem in the Quarintine tank.
maybe I'm tempting fate here, but anyway... I've only been into Tropical fish for a couple of months and my tetras seem very solid and easy to keep fish. I've got 7 neons and 5 glow-lights (among others)

mobydick said:
maybe I'm tempting fate here, but anyway... I've only been into Tropical fish for a couple of months and my tetras seem very solid and easy to keep fish. I've got 7 neons and 5 glow-lights (among others)

Ahh you just jinxed yourself. :p They will be dead next time you look into your tank. I'm joking of course. Some people have all the luck. :grr: :D
Ahh you just jinxed yourself. They will be dead next time you look into your tank. I'm joking of course.
??? You think that's funny? -_-
I had the tank runnig for a week then iput My betta and the priginal neon into the 20 from the 10 that they were in. Two weeks later i took the water from the 20 and put it in the quarintine tank. Then i got the neons and putthem in the Quarintine tank.
And the nitrogen cycle was established in this tank, or no? If you don't know what i'm talking about, read the pinned thread in the beginner's section - avoiding and treating new tank syndrome - something to that effect.
I have just removed an unacceptable exchange from this thread. If you people want to argue with each other, then you do it in PM's, if it has merit more generally, then possibly on the General board. I will not have this board used for slanging matches.

Either of the principle parties start up again in here, you'll get an official warning, then lose your account.
It is certainly true that a lot of cheap Neons around are very inbred and somewhat weak. That said, Neons in general are sensitive to water pollution. It is common to find advice that says Neons etc., should not be added to tanks that have been running less then 6 months.

Simply adding water from an established tank to a quarantine tank will not cycle it. The bacteria which run the Nitrogen cycle live on surfaces, gravel, plants, tank walls, filter media. Have you a good Nitrogen cycle in the tank where they are dying?

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