Final Dynazty

Aug 13, 2004
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New York
They're droping like flys. all water paremiters are find. I guess since they're hard to keep or what. All it seems i do is go to the LFS to get more for my loss. AHHH. Can some one give me advice fo helpin them to survive?
what!?!?! neon tetras are hard to keep alive? ..... you must be doing something REALLY wrong cos they are the only fish of mine that dont die
Hm.. that's strange.

When i put 4 cardinals in my cycled tank, they unfortunately died and my LFS told me that they were just weak.

But when I put 4 neons in my tank after a while, all of them did fine. (One of them accidentally sucked up in the power filter, but other ones are still alive and well)

After that, i added 3 more neons, and all of my 6 neons are doing great now.

I also have black neons, and in my opinion, black neons are hardier than neons.
I have heard that Neon Tetras can be hard to keep alive. I would think that if your chem levels are normal then they'd be okay, but maybe there's something else going on. I think I've also heard that Neons aren't very hardy, due to so much inbreeding.

Sorry about the losses and good luck figuring out the cause :thumbs:

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Bad news just lost another one. I still have a warrenty on them so i think im just gonna get a betta or something. I dont want to loose anymore Neons, its really depressing. Imean all water paramiters are fine. Ammonia and nitrites are at 0 and ph is at 7.6. Everything seems fine but mabye they're just a weak batch.
I got a group of 16 neons 2 weeks ago, all of them doing really well, growing and beautiful colours, schooling with the golden barbs. Maybe the neons over here are more hardy? They do have plenty of plants and bits of wood to hide in, as well as an open swimming space. How many did you get, maybe they are less stressed in a larger group? Don't know what else to suggest, so sorry for your losses :( they are beautiful little fish.

Neons and cardinals are usually just weak fish. That's all there is to it. I bought 6 cardinals some time ago and they all died within 2 days. My discus, on the other hand, which some consider a sensitive fish, is thriving. Hmpf. Go figure.
sorry about your fish.........we at one stage had 14 neons & now are down to a lonely 1 :unsure: we lost a couple to kribs (stupidly we put neons with kribs when we started 15 months ago) and the rest have all succumbed to neon tetra disease
very sadly. we have some cardinals & although would like to get our lonely neon a pal or more we just dont want to watch more get ill, suffer & end up being euthanased. :no:
yep i bought 6 neons and 5 of them died for no reason, my LFS put it down to there could of been an ammonia strike as it'a new tank but 1 of them is still leaing on it's lonesome, I'm not buying anymore due to there just going to die again!!
I have had nothing but bad luck with neons. I'll buy 10, and by the time 2 weeks have passed there will be 3 left, who will last a long time but eventually succumb to neon tetra disease. I finally swore off them and went for the more expensive cardinals. I introduced this group of 14 to my pre-cycled tank several months ago and did not have a single loss. They even survived a 2 and a half day power loss due to Hurricane Frances, every last one is alive! So if you don't have good luck with neons, try cardinals, and make sure to acclimate them well before you release them into the tank.
How long did your tanks run before you introduced neons? :huh: My tank was running for little over 4 months before I introduced neons. ;)

I put 15 neons in about 3 weeks or so ago ;) , so far 14 are accounted for :D (accidently sucked one up in my python did not realize until saw him swimming in sink, then down the drain) :(
David said:
Neons and cardinals are usually just weak fish. That's all there is to it. I bought 6 cardinals some time ago and they all died within 2 days. My discus, on the other hand, which some consider a sensitive fish, is thriving. Hmpf. Go figure.
Your discus has hazy eye and has had the ick, both under a months time that is not thriving. :( :blink:

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