Ahhh, what happened?


Dog Wrangler
Feb 5, 2004
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So, as most of you know, I went to the betta show last weekend, and came back with many new bettas. I won a pair, and in auction bought 4 females and 3 males.
In fact, in a previous post, I mentioned a beautiful copper plakat I got, who won first place in his class, supposedly. Marianne told me to treat him with coppersafe, so I have been. Today I changed the water, and guess what? He's a she!

After I got over being disappointed (my copper male that I already had is without doubt my fave betta), I realized - I have a fabu breeding pair with my two coppers! I don't know if I can resist this particular spawn.

Also, the filter on my eclipse 6 went last night - now I'm looking at that tank, thinking, "this might work...." :lol:

I also picked up microworms at the betta show...

Looks like I might be breeding a bit sooner than expected... :lol:
Oooooh you lucky thing!!! :hyper: I'm so incredibly jealous, you got the only copper female up for bidding! And you know I wanted one for wahoookie. :p Hmm... maybe I'll take a few of your fry in a few months. Get started, I'm in a hurry! :lol: Could be awesome, this is exciting!! :thumbs:
Can we see pics of the pair? Lucky you, your going to have some awesome copper fry. :D
The male is the fish in my profile (Baaad pic, but you can see his colors a bit...), the lady I have no pics of yet! However, I asked my bf to bring home the digicam from work, so hopefully I can get a picture of her (and a better one of him) tonight.

Julie - you know you're welcome to some! I'm wondering though - I took him out of the 20g (and yes, he spent the rest of the evening ignoring me, he was so pissed... :rolleyes: ) and put him in the 6g. (all the gals went in the 20...)I noticed when I got him in the 6g - he's so fat! the little piggy had been eating everything he could get his mouth on in the 20 - I've never seen a fat betta before, but he's reallyporked up. Not all swollen or anything, just a big, beefy boy. Will this affect his ability to breed? He's still as active as ever... -_-

I'll be getting started in a couple of weeks or a month. She is a skinny little thing and needs some conditioning before she will be ready.

I still don't understand if they judged her as a male, or if she was mislabled before the auction. Either way, I'm pleased.
It shouldn't be a problem if he is still getting around without any trouble. He needs to be limber enough to wrap around her, but he's probably conditioned already so you're lucky there. :lol: And make sure the female is around his size too. OoOoo I'm so excited, this should be great.... after the little snot gets used to a smaller tank, eh?? :p
:/ Shes a lot (a lot!) smaller than him. At least half the size. He's just as fiesty as ever, just fat. :rolleyes: And a punk...

So, sounds like we may have to wait a while. She's the smallest betta I've ever had. Maybe she's just young - I'll shove many bloodworms down her craw and see if we can get her to grow already! :shifty:
Me too! :lol:

I'm excited. Coppers are my faves - they are simply beautiful.

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