Ahhh..the addiction 2 fish (u all have it 2)


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2003
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30 gal. has wut is listed below but without the female betta, I want to add something small that schools, not neons or danios, preferably something that likes slightly hard water with an alkaline pH , but nothing too picky Oh n the pleco is very little, he'll move when he's bigger. THANX :D
That'll probably b a good addition, my dojos are very friendly, they are all best friends along with my pleco, cory cats would b nice, but i think i want sumthing in the middle or top cuz the bottom is pretty full of fish cory cats would b good in my 20 or 10 hex tho :) they r really cute are they ok with barbs?
how about some white clouds or cardinals maybe even a smallish species of barb
6 zebra danios - they're so fun an whizzy an wheeeeeeeeeeee!! :fun: yeh... :lol:
How about a small school of glowlight tetras? I prefer them to the flashier neons and cardinals. Their softer colors are very attractive and elegant, IMHO. :D
why not Barbus pentazona partipentazona?

or as my LFS refers to them, "Rombo" barbs

Maybe you could get 3 or 4 harliquin rasboras I just bought some on wednesday and they are awesome!

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