ahhh! near disaster


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Chambersburg, PA (USA)
ok so I decided to drop some money at the lfs and got a 10 gallon tank setup with a divider for bettas - right now they have 5 gallons apiece, lucky fellows!

one side has gravel and the other is bare except for a piece or two of floating pants.

waited a while to get water temp right and dechlorinate it and put the bettas in. well the new one from the store is doing fine, but the guy i had in my community before was not doing so well! he just stayed on the bottom gasping! i figured he wasn't happy with the slight current in the community tank, but he sank like a rock when he went into the new tank and didn't like it one bit! so I waited 5 mins then put him right back into the community tank and he swam like a pro.

guess he likes being the boss of a well furnished tank. i hope the moves didn't stress him out too much, but I could see the poor guy dying if he stayed in the new tank
Bettas Are Strange.

Some I have Had Hated the Divided Tank and Loved the Large Tank.
I guess he just didn't like the change. Looks like you get to go buy another betta now tohugh for the other side of the tank! :thumbs:
those yellow bettas at the lfs are calling my name now ... :D

Since 10g is pretty big, I'm thinking about getting another divider or even two. Then I'll have 3-4 partitions: 1 or 2 with bettas, and 1 or 2 with killi pairs. Now that I've virtually given up drinking, I can afford killis - in terms of time and money :D I'll probably get a sponge filter for the killi side of the tank, and maybe some ghost shrimp to keep the bettas company.

I have a bit of surface plant with the lone betta now (maybe riccia?) and I wouldn't mind having a bottom plant in there with the new guy. - any suggestions?
noelberg said:
one side has gravel and the other is bare except for a piece or two of floating pants.
Hmmm...I wonder if my bettas would like to "go bare" with some "floating pants" :rofl: :rofl:

I'm totally not trying to be mean, this typo just gave me a very entertaining mental picture. :p

Sounds like a SWEET set-up. My bettas want to know if they can come live at you house, and are giving me dirty looks.
Haha that was a good typo :lol: Good eyes cation!

Gouramiguy, I think the poor betta was pissed that he didn't have any bottom plants or driftwood or gravel or playmates ... also the water wasn't well aged like the stuff in the community tank. The new guy from the lfs said "This is way better than my tiny cup" while the old guy said "This sucks!"
btw, what's a good bottom plant for a betta in a partitioned 10g with 2 15W bulbs? I've got some riccia on top so he can make a nice bubblenest.

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